High School State of the Schools. Foley High School Staff Development Goals for 2012-13 Goal #190% of FHS teachers will participate in a building in-service.

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Presentation on theme: "High School State of the Schools. Foley High School Staff Development Goals for 2012-13 Goal #190% of FHS teachers will participate in a building in-service."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School State of the Schools

2 Foley High School Staff Development Goals for 2012-13 Goal #190% of FHS teachers will participate in a building in-service focusing on technology and how to implement that technology within their classrooms throughout the 2012-20-13 school year. Goal #295% of FHS teachers will participate in professional learning communities and building in-service opportunities addressing current trends in education that will promote throughout the 2012-2013 school year. Goal #395% of FHS students and staff will be provided with opportunities to promote better awareness of violence prevention (bullying, harassment, hazing, etc.) both in and out of the school setting throughout the 2012-2013 school year.

3  Finding: 93% of staff participated in technology training throughout the school year.  Impact on Student Learning: New technology strategies were used to engage students more effectively.  Impact on Teacher Practice: Teachers were allowed time to discover new technology programs to use in their classrooms. Goal #1 90% of FHS teachers will participate in a building in-service focusing on technology and how to implement that technology within their classrooms throughout the 2012-13 school year.

4  Finding: 95% of staff participated in professional learning communities and building in- services.  Impact on Student Learning: Incorporated new strategies into the classrooms by staff that participated in professional learning communities and in-services.  Impact on Teacher Practice: Enhanced teaching strategies and promoted professional collaboration. Goal #2 95% of FHS teachers will participate in professional learning communities and building in-service opportunities addressing current trends in education that will promote professional collaboration and will implement newfound strategies within their classrooms throughout the 2012-2013 school year.

5  Finding: 95% of high school students and staff participated in violence prevention opportunities.  Impact on Student Learning: Students were given strategies and ideas to use to help reduce bullying and harassment that occurs within the school and daily life settings.  Impact on Teacher Practice: Incorporated new strategies into their classrooms to help promote violence prevention. Goal #3 95% of FHS students and staff will be provided with opportunities to promote better awareness of violence prevention (bullying, harassment, hazing, etc.) both in and out of the school setting throughout the 2012-2013 school year.

6 2013-2014 FHS Building Goals Goal 1: 90% of FHS members will participate in a departmental or individual technology enrichment and learn how to implement that technology within their classrooms throughout the 2013-2014 school year. (District AIM II: Goal 2 and 3) Goal 2: 95% of FHS staff members will participate in professional learning communities or building in-service opportunities to deepen the understanding around these following questions: (District AIM II: Goal 2 and 3; AIM III: Goal 7)  What do we want students to know?  How do we know the students know it?  What do we do if the students do know?  What do we do if the students don’t know? Goal 3: 95% of FHS students and staff will promote better awareness of violence prevention (bullying, harassment, hazing, etc.) both in and out of the school setting with a focus on social media throughout the 2013-2014 school year. (District AIM I: Goal 1)

7 Goal #1 Individual Staff and Building Level Departments will meet with DTTI and the District Technology Director to explore, plan, and implement technology into their content area. In-service training will be presented in the following areas: Advanced Google apps., movie making/editing, flipped classroom, “Flubaroo” - makes and corrects tests & quizzes, Polleverywhere.com (formative assessments), and more. Goal #2 PLC’s will be conducted with a focus on identifying how our curriculum and instructional practice meets these four questions:  Department level meetings to review student data points (MCA, PLAN, ACT, EXPLORE)  Review curriculum documents to identify what we want students to know.  Align student assessments with student outcomes (Common Assessments).  Explore enrichment and acceleration opportunities for students.  Identify students who are struggling and look at RTI opportunities. Goal #3 T.B.D. – The March building in-service will be utilized to reach this goal. To accomplish our 2013-2014 goals we will

8  Student achievement is high at FHS as evidenced by our ACT ‘Composite’ results below.  Student ‘membership’ and ‘attendance’ remain excellent.  Graduation Rate continues well above 90%.

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