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The Age of Reason Changes that took place during the 16 th, 17 th, and 18 th century that JUST MADE SENSE!!

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Reason Changes that took place during the 16 th, 17 th, and 18 th century that JUST MADE SENSE!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Age of Reason Changes that took place during the 16 th, 17 th, and 18 th century that JUST MADE SENSE!!

3 Dirt roads made travel & trade difficult

4 What kinds of roads became popular during the Age of Reason?

5 Does the job seem reasonable? We need to get this whole mountain done by sunrise!


7 Ah, that’s more like it!

8 Let’s meet some people who were famous during the Age of Reason.

9 Cervantes Wrote the first novel ever!! It was called Don Quixote. Don Quixote is a retired country gentleman. Reading Romances in excess, or books of chivalry, had a profound effect on him, leading to the distortion of his perception and the wavering of his mental faculties. He decides he wants to be a knight and goes off on an adventure in which he is a chivalrous hero (in his head)!!

10 Eugene Delacroix Romantic School Painter- picture that stressed emotion!



13 Voltaire wrote Candide God created the world in such a way that he would not have to interact with it after he was done with its creation.

14 Johann Sebastian Bach The composer who began the Baroque period.

15 When the Baroque Period B-ROKE Mozart began the Classical Period.

16 Bach...

17 Mozart...

18 Cervantes...

19 Delacroix...

20 Voltaire...

21 Bach...

22 Mozart...

23 Cervantes...

24 Delacroix...

25 Voltaire...

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