BP-Centro Finland Objectives and policies Team 1 Ellika Willgrén Ville Grönroos Ooi Lily.

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Presentation on theme: "BP-Centro Finland Objectives and policies Team 1 Ellika Willgrén Ville Grönroos Ooi Lily."— Presentation transcript:

1 BP-Centro Finland Objectives and policies Team 1 Ellika Willgrén Ville Grönroos Ooi Lily

2 Agenda Vision Mission statement Company values Ethics Policies Corporate culture Objectives

3 Vision To provide new retail outlet concept for franchises Quality for both retailers and consumers Create a strong and identifiable brand image and market position Take advantage of the emerging markets in Eastern Europe and Russia

4 Mission statement “To be the first mover in a new retail concept that provides unique opportunities for both local and international entrepreneurs to deliver quality to end customers.”

5 Mission statement cont. By providing a new retail concept, BP wants to enable retail sales and services to local and motoring publics, first in Finland and later in the Baltic states and Russia.

6 Mission statement cont. Top quality products will be offered in an attractive, recognizable environment, 24/7, Supported by friendly service provided by reliable and capable staff Price, quality, service

7 Company values Environmental and ethical aspects are considered, BP is “green” Diversity, multi-cultural organization Arts, “fun and entertaining experience”, creativity Reliability and commitment

8 Ethics The codes, policies and processes that help the company to work in an open, fair and ethical way.

9 Ethics Setting high standards Social responsibility Laws and regulations Cooperation with the Finnish government

10 Ethics Ethical considerations in decision making Employee and customer satisfaction Respect for human rights

11 Policies Hiring policy based on talent and competencies Comply with local labor laws - meeting min wage, working hours… Report to one country manager

12 Policies Employees should be multi linguistic or exposed to international experiences -preferably have proficiency in Russian/Estonian Mobility and flexibility

13 Corporate Culture Emphasis on openness and collaboration - among staff - HR team and BPC managers Corporate language would be English

14 Corporate Culture Everyone has equal opportunity to be promoted No sexual harassment and any form of discrimination Possibility to implement flexible working hours

15 Objectives 4 convenience centers in Finland within 4 years scattered throughout Finland To use Finland as a corporate headquarters when, in 3-4 years, a launch is made into the Baltic's and Russia To create a positive and cooperative spirit that grows new business Management training in Finland that can be utilized when expansion takes place

16 The END Questions ???

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