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N UTRITION M ESSAGES FOUND IN CFG. N UTRIENTS Foods are classified into groups based on the nutrients that they provide. No single food group provides.

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Presentation on theme: "N UTRITION M ESSAGES FOUND IN CFG. N UTRIENTS Foods are classified into groups based on the nutrients that they provide. No single food group provides."— Presentation transcript:


2 N UTRIENTS Foods are classified into groups based on the nutrients that they provide. No single food group provides on the nutrients the body needs Variety is the key

3 I N EACH FOOD GROUP SOME FOODS ARE BETTER CHOICES THAN OTHERS Nutrient DENSE – high in a variety of nutrients and low in calories. Choose whole grains instead of refined grains and whole fruits instead of fruit juice Energy DENSE – high in calories (energy) relative to the size. Consuming to high – can lead to weight gain Empty CALORIE – no significant nutrients other than fat, sodium and sugar

4 N UTRIENTS IN V EGETABLES AND F RUITS Carbohydrates – sugar (sweet fruits); starch (potatoes); fibre (all fruits and vegetables Vitamin A – Orange vegetables Vitamin C – citrus fruits Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) – green leafy vegetables

5 N UTRIENTS IN G RAIN P RODUCTS Carbohydrates – starchy – brown rice B Vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid) – whole grains Limited protein and fat (make healthy choices)

6 N UTRIENTS IN M ILK AND ALTERNATIVES Protein B vitamins Calcium and Magnesium and Potassium Fat Fortified Vitamin D (added) Do not provide a large amount of Carbohydrates

7 N UTRIENTS IN M EAT AND A LTERNATES Protein Saturated Fat B- vitamins Low in fibre and Carbohydrates

8 C HOOSE O IL AND F ATS C AREFULLY 25 % of Canadians consume higher fat than needed Females – 50 – 75 g/day Males – 70-105 grams/day How much fat do you need in a day? Weight in LBS ________ X 75= ______grams /day

9 L IMIT CONSUMPTION OF CERTAIN BEVERAGES If a person eats more that usual, he or she usually compensates by eating less food later in the day. However, if a person consumes more calories through beverages he or she does make the same adjustment, and ends up consuming more total calories Drink water, low fat milk Limit sweetened drinks, sports drinks and alcohol

10 B E A CTIVE Maintain an appropriate weight Build and maintain strong muscles and bones Reduce risk of disease (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers) Maintain mental health HOW MUCH do you need in a day? – 30 – 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous

11 A DAPTING R ECIPES modifying ingredients cooking methods Serving size

12 T O REDUCE FAT Add less (butter and oils Use reduced versions (cheese and milk) Trim visible fat or buy lean meats Bake, grill or poach instead of fry

13 T O R EDUCE S ALT Replace salt with herbs, spices and other seasonings Use lower sodium versions of processed foods

14 T O R EDUCE S UGAR Reduce sugar content slightly (no more that 25% for baked goods) Replace with puree in baking ( no more that 25 %)

15 T O I NCREASE F IBRE Replace some or all white flour with whole-grain flour Use brown rice and whole-grain pasta Add vegetables, fruits, whole grains to recipes

16 T O R EDUCE C ALORIES Reduce serving size Reduce amounts of high calorie foods (meat and cheeses, toppings)

17 K EY M ESSAGES OF CFG Variety Serving Size Benefits

18 A SSIGNMENT 1. Modify the menu 2. Energy Drinks CDe4

19 E NERGY D RINK After reading the short article write a brief summary of what you learned. Do you think listing the ingredients and nutritional information for energy drinks on the container will discourage people from buying them? why or why not. Select any energy drink of you choice – state the caffeine per 250 ml for that drink – how does it compare to the maximum limit? How much sugar? What other ingredients should be concerned about? How are energy drinks consumed compared to coffee? Why is that a concern?

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