Illinois Head Start Association Wage & Benefit Database Webinar March 30, 2016 Lauri Morrison-Frichtl Executive Director Illinois Head Start Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Illinois Head Start Association Wage & Benefit Database Webinar March 30, 2016 Lauri Morrison-Frichtl Executive Director Illinois Head Start Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illinois Head Start Association Wage & Benefit Database Webinar March 30, 2016 Lauri Morrison-Frichtl Executive Director Illinois Head Start Association

2 Overview Statewide Data Available at Your Fingertips: Individual Head Start/Early Head Start programs enter their salary and benefit data into an excel spread sheet after which they can compare their data to all data entered into the database. This is a wonderful strategy for improving or enhancing organizational wage and fringe benefit compensation plans and policies.

3 A NEW SOLUTION Typically programs hire outside consultants or devote significant staff time to collect this information. This new IHSA Wage and Benefit Database will reduce individual wage and benefit survey requests from and to Illinois Head Start/Early Head Start programs. Thus, saving time and resources to complete this federal mandate. IHSA has created a database that is more thorough and less costly to local programs

4 HOW IT WORKS  1. Complete Excel Spreadsheet using directions provided and listen to the IHSA Wage & Comparability Database Webinar. We want good, valid, reliable data. This means everyone is interpreting and entering data the same way, so we are able to compare “apples to apples”. Please make it a priority to listen to the webinar and follow these directions.  2. Send the completed Excel Spreadsheet to Nikki Eguez, at the IHSA office. Nikki’s email address is  3. All data will be uploaded into an Access Database.  4. Access database will be accessible on the IHSA website, under the “members only” section. Individual programs will be assigned a password to access the data and have the capability to run identified reports  5. Programs will be asked to review and update their data annually. This time frame has not yet been established. More discussion is needed.

5 Reports  Potential Reports -  Regionally where possible  By agency size  By agency and program type  By demographic (urbanized, suburban, rural)  By union and non-union Other Ideas??

6 About the Excel Spreadsheet The Excel Spreadsheet has five tabs.  Tab 1 = Agency Directory. Contains a list of all Illinois Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Each is assigned an agency identification number.  Tab 2 = Agency Information. This provides important information regarding your agency. Information included here will help when comparing other programs to your agency. It is extremely important that this information is clean and accurate. The organizational level data makes it possible to create a profile for organizations participating in the Wage & Benefit Database and to compare that composite profile against the characteristics of the target agency.

7 About the Excel Spreadsheet, Continued  Tab 3 = Fringe Benefits. Provides information on the benefits offered within agencies.  Tab 4 = Salary Information. Provides information on the salary for each title/job position within your agency based on education.  Tab 5 = Job Descriptions. Provides a list of jobs and positions identified by OHS. Includes a short description for each position and common titles for some positions.

8 Excel Spreadsheet Based On OHS Guide  The project is based on the OHS “Guide for Conducting a Wage and Fringe Benefits Comparability Survey,” using the job categories defined in that instruction.  Per OHS guidance, our Illinois Excel Spreadsheet will allow data to be reported out in categories that facilitate comparison to other programs with similar demographics (urban/rural, size of program, region, etc.).

9 Agency Information

10 Agency Information Sheet  Agency Information Sheet:  Make sure to enter the date and year. This would be the date you completed the Excel Spreadsheet. Enter date like this 04/15/16 and the year like this, 2016.  List staff person and title of this person completing the Excel Spreadsheet. Include their phone number (222-222-2222) and email address.  Choose your agency name from the drop down menu. If you don’t see your agency name on the list, please email Nikki Eugez,  List your funded enrollment. (i.e – 588)

11 Agency Information Sheet  List the county (ies) served by your organization (max # of characters = 80 HS and 70 EHS). If you do not have Head Start or Early Head Start please leave the respective areas blank. Do not put NA.  “X” the agency characterization (urban, rural or combination of urban and rural areas) which best describes your service area. You may “X” more than one.  Please only use “other characteristics” if you don’t see a characterization that best describes your service area (max characters = 80).  Agency fiscal year – example – if you are an April 1 grantee enter, April 1 to March 31

12 Agency Information Sheet Indicate the total number of individuals, both full- and part-time, currently employed by your program or agency. Provide this information for the unit of the organization managed by the top level administrator reported in this survey. (For example, a school system reporting information on the superintendent would include the number of employees employed by the entire school district. However, if that school system were providing information only for its Pre-K and Kindergarten programs headed by a Director of Early Childhood Programs, only the number of employees in that unit or program should be noted here.)

13 Agency Information Sheet  Experience – YES or NO; important to include a short description if experience is utilized when making salary decisions. Tell us how you do this (max characters = 70).  Indicate your current annual program/agency budget. Provide budget information for the entire organization, if this Excel Spreadsheet covers the entire organization or for the program or unit of the organization which is reflected in this Excel Spreadsheet.

14 Fringe Benefits

15  Provide current mileage reimbursement rate that your agency utilizes for each Employee Category.  Record the number of days of leave offered for each employee category  Number of paid holidays per year  Number of vacation days per year  Number of sick days per year  If any of these categories of leave are not offered as an employer contribution, please put 0 in the appropriate section.  Provide the average percentage of salary which the employer contributes for Retirement or Pension. Then describe the plan (max characters = 200). If this benefit is not offered as an employer contribution, please put 0 in the appropriate section.

16  Life Insurance - Provide the average percentage of salary which the employer contributes to life insurance. If this benefit is not offered as an employer contribution, please put 0 in the appropriate section.  Indicate the average annual percentage of salary which the employer contributes for  Health Insurance for employed individual  Health Insurance for employed individual’s family  If any of these benefits are not offered as an employer benefit, please put 0 in the appropriate section.  Indicate if each Employee Category is offered Tuition Reimbursement.  Provide your agency’s definition of a Full & Part Time Employee (max characters = 80). Fringe Benefits

17  If your organization contributes to additional benefits, please list them in the section entitled “Describe any additional benefits your employees receive.” (max characters = 200). Fringe Benefits

18 Salary Information

19  Review the Descriptions of Positions on the Job Descriptions tab and identify the job titles that most closely match the positions in your program or agency. Your organization is likely to have other positions that are not on this list. Please provide information on only the positions in your organization that are the same as or similar to these jobs. DO NOT list or enter any positions that do not fit into one of these categories. The short descriptions provided for each position title will help you choose the title that most closely corresponds to a similar position in your program or agency. You may not have any employee’s in certain jobs/positions or you may have sixty in one job/position. Salary Information

20 Job Descriptions

21  Using the drop down box select one title/job position that best describes a similar position in your agency.  Duties - duties will self-populate once you have made a title/job position selection.  Put an X in the correct column (HS, EHS or Both) for the respective position.  Indicate the hours worked per year for this respective position. Salary Information

22  Enter the base hourly wage of this position. Hourly wage is the number of dollars that the individual earns for each hour s/he works, excluding overtime rates. If individuals are not paid by the hour, please compute the hourly wage by dividing the annual salary by the number of hours worked per year. Include paid leave in the number of hours worked per year, if applicable. Salary Information

23  Moving left to right, enter the hourly rate for each educational level. Determine hourly rate as identified above.  End with the hourly pay rate ceiling. This is the maximum level of hourly pay for this position.  Repeat the process for each respective title/job position in each category. Salary Information

24 Q & A  Lauri’s email address –  Nikki’s email address –  IHSA Office – (217) 241-3511  IHSA Website –

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