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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Genre Genius Oh, god! When in Rome… The root of the problem You’re just not my archetype The man, the.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Genre Genius Oh, god! When in Rome… The root of the problem You’re just not my archetype The man, the."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Genre Genius Oh, god! When in Rome… The root of the problem You’re just not my archetype The man, the myth, the legend

6 This genre explains the actions of gods and their interactions with humans, and may explain the causes of natural phenomena A 100

7 Myth A 100

8 This genre is often based on historical facts, although it has been exaggerated over time. A 200

9 Legend A 200

10 Provide an example of a fairy tale that we read in class. A 300

11 Ashputtle A 300

12 Define epic AND provide an example. A 400

13 Long narrative poem which tells of the adventures of a larger-than-life hero. Ex: Odyssey, Beowulf, Iliad A 400

14 Which genre typically contains a transgression? Then, provide ONE example of a transgression from a story we read in class. A 500

15 Myths Ex: Prometheus stole fire from the gods A 500

16 This goddess is the protector of marriage and the home. B 100

17 Hera B 100

18 This god has wings on his sandals and helmet B 200

19 Hermes B 200

20 This is the god of fire and volcanoes B 300

21 Hephaestus B 300

22 This god was caught having an affair with Aphrodite. B 400

23 Ares B 400

24 This god is the product of Aphrodite’s affair B 500

25 Eros (Cupid) B 500

26 Aphrodite’s Roman name C 100

27 Venus C 100

28 Hermes’ Roman name C 200

29 Mercury C 200

30 Demeter’s Roman name C 300

31 Ceres C 300

32 DAILY DOUBLE C 400 DAILY DOUBLE (Wager up to 800)

33 Hera’s Roman name C 400

34 Juno C 400

35 Hephaestus’ Roman name C 500

36 Vulcan C 500

37 D 100 This root refers to anything dealing with touch

38 Tact/tang D 100

39 This root means the “end” D 200

40 Term D 200

41 D 300 This root refers to eating

42 Vor D 300

43 This root refers to one’s wish or will D 400

44 Vol D 400

45 This root refers to something holy D 500

46 Sanct D 500

47 Explain how the archetype of objects in threes appears in “Ashputtle” E 100

48 Three sisters; three-day celebration E 100

49 Explain how the archetype of an ideal romantic match appears in both “Cupid and Psyche” and “Ashputtle” E 200

50 Cupid and Psyche (becomes immortal) and Ashputtle and the Prince E 200

51 Explain how the secondary supernatural assistants archetype appears in both “Cupid and Psyche” and “Ashputtle” E 300

52 Demeter (Ceres), ants, river god / the birds E 300

53 Why do stories throughout the world often include archetypes? E 400

54 Makes them easier to remember and then retell E 400

55 Explain how evil (sisters/step-sisters) is punished (an archetype) in both “Cupid and Psyche” and “Ashputtle” E 500

56 Cupid and Psyche: Sisters fell off a cliff Ashputtle: Eyes pecked out by birds E 500

57 What are the names of Arthur’s real father and mother? F 100

58 Uther Pendragon and Igraine F 100

59 How does Arthur obtain Excalibur? F 200

60 The Lady of the Lake directs him to pull it from the arm in the lake F 200

61 How did Arthur obtain the Round Table? F 300

62 Guenevere’s father, King Leodegrance, gave it to him as a wedding gift. F 300

63 Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote “The History of the Kings of Britain” which included supposed feats of King Arthur. What makes his historical book suspicious? F 400

64 He claims the information about Arthur is from a manuscript that only he had access to F 400

65 What link to King Arthur’s tales was discovered in the 1960s? F 500

66 Camelot F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: King Arthur Background Info Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 During which century was Arthur first depicted as a heroic British general? Click on screen to continue

69 5 th century Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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