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Kingdom Fungi Lab With labels. Rhizopus sporangia Division Zygomycota - This is the asexual spore form.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Fungi Lab With labels. Rhizopus sporangia Division Zygomycota - This is the asexual spore form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Fungi Lab With labels

2 Rhizopus sporangia Division Zygomycota - This is the asexual spore form

3 Rhizopus zygospore Division Zygomycota – this is the sexual spore (zygospore)

4 Division Ascomycota - Budding yeast This is an asexual form of reproduction in this group.

5 Division Ascomycota – the sexual spore is the ascospore.

6 I know they’re hard to see, but the ascospores are inside of the ascus, which is a sac-like structure.

7 Division Basidiomycota - Coprinus mushrooms in the woods

8 Coprinus mushrooms gills The basidiospores are located on top of basidia, which are club (bat) – like structures

9 Pointer is indicating some basidiospores – the sexual spores in this group.

10 Division Deuteromycota – Penicillium All members of this group reproduce only asexually (conidiospores)

11 Division Deuteromycota - Aspergillus All members of this group reproduce only asexually (conidiospores)

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