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 The NEFEC STEM Initiative Nancy Thompson Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

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1  The NEFEC STEM Initiative Nancy Thompson Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction

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3 A Guide to Florida’s Public Schools  The acronym STEM is fairly specific in nature referring to science, technology, engineering and mathematics; however, the concept of STEM encompasses much more than the sum of its parts.  Individuals in STEM occupations use science and math to solve problems and drive our nation’s innovation and competitiveness by generating new ideas, new companies, and new industries.

4 STEM Classifications STEM programs are typically classified based on four occupational clusters:  Computer technology  Mathematical sciences  Engineering and surveying  Natural, physical, and life sciences Career and Technical Education programs are an integral part and may lead to industry certifications in STEM-related fields. Programs must embrace integration.

5 5 Features of STEM Programs  A curriculum driven by problem-solving, discovery, and exploratory learning that requires students to actively engage a situation in order to find its solution.  Nature of technology, engineering design, systems thinking, and maintenance and troubleshooting are incorporated into the science and mathematics curricula.  Innovative instruction allows students to explore greater depths of all of the subjects by using the skills learned.

6 6  Technology provides creative and innovative ways to solve problems and apply what has been learned.  Independent and collaborative research projects are embedded in the curricula.  Collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills are threaded throughout the curricula.  Opportunities are provided for mentoring by business, industry, and research organization leaders. Features of STEM Programs

7 7 Summit Desired Outcomes  Develop a common understanding of the needs and opportunities for economic development in Northeast Florida  Understand the roles of each stakeholder in meeting the needs for economic development  Establish a process for communication, both locally and regionally, that supports education programs in fueling economic development  Promote purposeful interrelated instruction in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in order to build a highly skilled workforce

8 8 North Florida STEM Key Goals 1. Increase student interest in STEM. 2. Increase STEM achievement of P-12 students. 3. Increase the percentage of students who demonstrate readiness for college-level study in STEM fields. 4. Increase the number of students who graduate from a post-secondary institution with a degree in a STEM field. 5. Increase the number / percentage of STEM classes led by effective educators from P-16.

9 Priority goals 1. Ensuring coherence in STEM learning 2. Ensuring an adequate supply of well-prepared and highly effective STEM teachers

10 NEFEC Regional STEM Advisory Council Support efforts to implement NEFEC’s STEM initiative by providing input and counsel Foster a strong network of collaboration among all stakeholders

11 Framework for Transformation  Theory of Action – Public Awareness  Quantitative/Qualitative Goals and Accountability  A System of Public/Private Governance  STEM Education Policy and Best Practice Initiatives  A Timeline for Results  Funds and Resources 11

12 Refined to These Four Subcommittees  Public Awareness and Stakeholder Engagement  Quantitative/Qualitative Outcomes and Accountability  Advocacy and Sustainability  STEM Education/Best Practice 12

13 Mission Statement The mission of NEFEC’s STEM initiative is to support districts in implementation of their unique STEM plans by assisting with stakeholder awareness and engagement, providing professional development opportunities, and facilitating an active network of schools, higher education institutions, business and industry, and other key stakeholders.

14 Agenda  Welcome & Overview  Advisory Council Subcommittee Work  Goals & Priorities  Goals & Priorities Share Out  Working Lunch  Advisory Council Subcommittee Work  Public Relations & Stakeholder Engagement  PR Plan Share Out  Next steps & next meeting  FloridaLearns STEM Scholars Program of Study Review

15 Individual subcommittee collaboration meetings Next Advisory Council Meeting: March 22, 2012 Next Steps

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