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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education is an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands-on and relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education is an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands-on and relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education is an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands-on and relevant learning experiences for students.  STEM teaching and learning goes beyond the mere transfer of knowledge.  It engages students and equips them with critical thinking, problem solving, creative and collaborative skills, and ultimately establishes connections between the school, work place, community and the global economy.  STEM also helps students understand and apply math and science content, the foundations for success in college and careers.

2 Arizona STEM Network Vision: Arizona will be recognized in the global marketplace for a STEM literate workforce that stimulates the economy. Mission: Facilitate a statewide Network of organizations with a common goal to graduate more students ready to succeed in the global marketplace. Objective: Enhance collaboration to create engagement and transformative change in the state of Arizona for STEM education and training. Value Proposition: Provide educators, investors, government and business leaders with the resources needed to make a measurable improvement in STEM education for students across Arizona. Top level metrics: Increase in STEM graduates at High School, Community College and University Increase in quantity of Network members Increase in STEM interest and academic performance

3 Education Service Providers Government Educators Community Business
VALUE PROPosiTION Providing educators, investors, government and business leaders with the resources needed to make a measurable improvement in STEM education for students across Arizona. Education Service Providers STEM Network Collaboration Communication Convening Online tools Metrics Infrastructure Government Educators Community Business

4 Key Stakeholder Give to Network Get from Network Outcome Metrics
Education Service Provider Expertise Access to expertise of Network members # of participants in Network Quantity of resources available Growth in # of students participating Venue for student participation Resources Quality Programs Connections to potential users of service Business Resources to support education Highly qualified employees Qualified STEM graduates - Lower Business labor costs, innovation, diversity # of business advocates # of employees participating Existing employee satisfaction – culture of community impact Advice to Network on business needs High quality education system to attract new employees Government: Local, State and Federal Student data Leverage Network capabilities to solicit funding Availability of student data Test scores Policy Standardization Results data Collaboration with Network members

5 Key Stakeholder Give to Network Get from Network Metrics Educators
# of partners # of partners matched with business Activity in online groups – info sharing Academic test scores STEM graduates Interaction with Network K-12 – Teachers and Admin Existing programs/curriculum Leverage Network capabilities to solicit funding Classroom opportunities Vetted resources Expertise Communication, Collaboration, Info Exchange Peer validation Post-Secondary – Profs and Admin Knowledge and advice regarding research based best practices Mentoring opportunities for students STEM completions (graduates) Specialized advice Curriculum alignment with industry Community Students Why STEM is important

6 2015 STEM Network Strategic Objectives
1.0 Create Meaningful Business-Education Connections 2.0 Strengthen Teacher Effectiveness through expanding professional development 3.0 Integrate STEM into Schools and Districts 4.0 Increase STEM Collaboration among network members 5.0 Define and proliferate metrics to measure STEM improvement 6.0 Increase STEM Network membership through increasing brand awareness and marketing

7 Next Steps Final package
Communication of final package out to STEM Network members Next steps, Thanks for input, from Bill Future meeting schedule Actions of each group/individual – real commitments Need to prioritize – which organizations are critical (actions) Leadership team ratification Follow up

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