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Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) New Teacher Training Qualifications.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) New Teacher Training Qualifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) New Teacher Training Qualifications

2 Main points All new teachers must achieve or be working towards QTLS or ATLS by 2009/2010 New ITT routes include Skills for Life and Associate Teacher status (ATLS) All teachers, tutors, trainers and lecturers to fulfil at least 30 hours of CPD each year, with reduced rates for part-time staff. All teachers, tutors, trainers and lecturers to be registered with the Institute for Learning (IfL), details available via

3 What will candidates have to do to work towards QTLS status? Teachers are required to gain qualifications up to a maximum value of 120 credits (depending on role) Provide evidence of CPD Hold a minimum of level 2 in Literacy and Numeracy Skills for Life Staff qualified/teaching prior to 2001 are exempt. They can register for QTLS as long as CPD requirements are met

4 Clarification of Associate Teacher Role as someone : who predominantly teaches from packs of pre-prepared materials who teaches one to one who only teaches one level /subject/type of learner who teaches only short courses. This is regardless of the amount of teaching undertaken

5 New Qualifications Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector level 3 & 4 (PTLLS) (7303) Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector level 3 & 4 (CTLLS) (7304) Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector level 5 (DTLLS) (7305) Revised PGCE

6 Outline of Qualifications 7303 (PTLLS) 7304 (CTLLS) 7305 (DTLLS) * 6 credits from PTLLS & 9 credits from CTLLS can count towards this. PGCE 6 credits - 30 glh 24 credits – 240 hrs 120 hours contact, 30 hours teaching practice 120 credits* – 1200 hours, 360 hours contact, 150 hours TP 3 hours per week for two taught years, 180 hours TP

7 APEL Arrangements Candidates who are part qualified to 7407 stage 1 can APEL all of PTLLS at level 3 and 4 and also the Planning and Enabling unit of the CTLLS at levels 3 and 4 Those with 7407 stage 2 will be able to APEL the mandatory units of the first year of DTLLS

8 Course Times 7303 – Monday evening 18.00-20.30 Wednesday morning 10.00-12.30 September and January 7304 & 7305 – January TBC PGCE – Yr 2 Tuesday evening 18.00-21.00 Yr 1 Friday morning 9.30-12.30

9 For further information: City & Guilds Website LLUK Website

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