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The Bullying Has Gone Too Far Bringing Safety back to our schools with the “No H8 Club” Bringing Safety back to our schools with the “No H8 Club”

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Presentation on theme: "The Bullying Has Gone Too Far Bringing Safety back to our schools with the “No H8 Club” Bringing Safety back to our schools with the “No H8 Club”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bullying Has Gone Too Far Bringing Safety back to our schools with the “No H8 Club” Bringing Safety back to our schools with the “No H8 Club”

2 What is the problem?  Bullying is the harmful push and pull of control and power that happens to people of all ages and types. It is negative harassment towards others that spirals out of control and has the potential for massive damage.

3 Where does it take place?  Bullying is highly common in schools. Almost everyone has either witnessed bullying or been on one of the sides of an unfortunate bullying situation.

4 Why should it end?  Bullying can have horrifyingly great impacts on the lives of many. There were many listed cases of suicides or “bullycides” due to this problem.

5 Not only for the bully + victim  The teens that are bystanders can take a number of roles in regards to the situation. However, if they remain silent and excuse the behavior, they are allowing it to happen.

6 Why is this happening?  The teens that are missing a certain fulfillment in their own lives often revert to bullying others. Another possible reason is that, they too have been bullied.

7 How bad does it get?  Depending on the severity of the outcome, there are different consequences, penalties, and results. With life and death situations, the stakes are much higher.

8 Does everyone play a role?  Nice kids have the potential to be spectators to bullying or even take part to fit in. The bullying is all about control and power, so kids that are seemingly nice can fall into the bully category.

9 What is something new we face?  Cyber-bullying is the growing trend for people to use technology and social networking as a tool to harass others. The thing about this trend that is so upsetting is that people can do so without having to face the other person, so they can hide and not even see the full impact of the consequences.

10 What are the lasting effects?  Bullying has been know to cause depression to the extreme case of suicide. Victims feel that the only way out is to end their own lives. Even if the people in question do not end up physically harmed, there are reported cases of extreme anxiety and self- consciousness.

11 What can victims do?  If you are bullied, you are not alone. It is not ok and not a normal part of growing up. It should be treated as a serious problem and you should seek guidance and help from an adult.

12 More importantly, what can WE do?  In our schools, it is important to create a safe environment in which students are being fulfilled enough that they will not feel the need to lash out and gain control of their lives by bullying others. Instead of punishing those who bully, we should preemptively help all students.

13 Why do we need to take action NOW?  The safer students feel, the more comfortable they will be to learn. Safety is one of the main ingredients for a great learning environment.

14 What do I propose?  I propose that we have a “No Hate Club” to give students a safe environment in which they will always have a community and feel a sense of inclusion. They will be educated about bullying and this will in turn, help to reduce cases.

15 Why is our club SO important?  It is also important that we teach students about diversity, inclusion, and sensitivity towards others’ differences. There will be mini lessons to help with important life lessons that students might not get at home.

16 Thank you for your time!

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