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Cause and Effect Why and What Happened?. Cause Why did you decide to come to Bergen Community College? Why did the United States enter World War II? Why.

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Presentation on theme: "Cause and Effect Why and What Happened?. Cause Why did you decide to come to Bergen Community College? Why did the United States enter World War II? Why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause and Effect Why and What Happened?

2 Cause Why did you decide to come to Bergen Community College? Why did the United States enter World War II? Why were you late to class?

3 Why did you decide to come to Bergen Community College? Learn English Hear it’s the best comm college in NJ Cheaper than an university Friends go there What ever the reason, these are the things that caused you to attend BCC

4 Why did the United States enter World War II? Pearl Harbor Supply ships being sunk by Germany Pressure from England, Russia and France These are the reasons that made the US declare war.

5 Why were you late to class? Car broke down Had to print out my essay Work ran late I didn’t have someone to take care of the kids Traffic No matter the reason, these are common reasons that cause people to be late.

6 Effects What benefit will you receive from graduating from BCC? What happened because the USA entered World War II? What effects can being late/missing class do you?

7 What benefit will you receive from graduating from BCC? Fluent in English An associates degree Friends Contacts Because you go to BCC many things will happen. These are the effects of the college on your life.

8 What happened because the USA entered World War II? Japan was attached with nuclear weapons More manpower on the Allies side America gained a superpower status Germany was rebuilt on “Western” beliefs

9 What effects can being late/missing class do to you? Lower your grade Miss important information Cause confusion of information Embarrassment These are things that can happen to you if you miss class.

10 Cause A cause is WHY. Why did I fall on my face? –Because I had on slippery shoes.

11 Effect An effect is what happened. –What happened because I fell on my face? I got a bloody nose.

12 Global Warming Ate Too Much Divorce Computer Crashes SITUATIONS Pollution Go to dinner Cheating Virus or Bug CAUSES Ozone Layer Throw up Meet someone new Lost my final paper EFFECT

13 Pick One The best essays are specific. Decide if you want to write about the causes or the effects. Don’t write about both. Cause essay - “Why do people gain weight?” Effect essay - “What happens when people gain weight?”

14 Pick three reasons Think of 3 reasons as to why people gain weight. –Stress, depression, comfort Or think of 3 reasons as to what happens because they gain weight. –Unhealthy, disease, negative self image

15 Causes Stress causes of depressionweight gain comfort

16 Effects unhealthy Effects of Weight gaindisease negative image

17 Think of a relationship you HAD with someone. This relationship should have ended in a negative or upsetting way. What were three reasons your relationship with this person ended? In other words, what caused you to end the relationship?

18 Think of a relationship you HAD with someone. This relationship should have ended in a negative or upsetting way. What are things that have happened to you because this relationship ended? They can be positive or negative effects on your life.

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