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Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations Angela Robinson and Jack Johnson Leadership Consultants and Executive Coaches Jack Johnson:

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations Angela Robinson and Jack Johnson Leadership Consultants and Executive Coaches Jack Johnson:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations Angela Robinson and Jack Johnson Leadership Consultants and Executive Coaches Jack Johnson: Angela Robinson:

2 Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations How do you define leadership? Who are you as a leader?

3 Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations You take actions that you see available Which determines the results we get Actions Results

4 Observer Action Results Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations We add a new dimension: The OBSERVER that you are. Based on Newfield Network O-A-R Model

5 The Observer that you are consist of: ◦ Your Body ◦ Your Emotions ◦ Your Language Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations Body Emotions Language Coherence The Observer that you are! Based on Newfield Network B-E-L Model

6 Cares / Conversations Available to Us Actions Available to Us RESULTS The Observer that you are Determines the care / interpretations/ conversations and actions that are available To you Which determines the results you get Observer – Action – Results Model Based on Newfield Network O-A-R Model The Observer Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

7 Our Care defines our intentions, focus and our passions. As the observer you are, what are your cares for your Center? As the observer of yourself, what are your cares regarding your Leadership? Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

8 Care Conversation Commitment Action Results Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations Anatomy for Action Bob Dunham: Anatomy of Action

9 Leadership : Power, Politics and Conversations A New Definition of Leadership ◦ Generative Leadership is being able to declare a future and have others commitment to that future. ◦ Generative leaders are skilled at the use of power, politics and conversation. ◦ Their source of power is their care and commitment and the ability to create a shared future with others using politics and conversations.

10 Power: Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations What is your definition of Power? How is power defined and used in your Center? ◦ Power is assessment of the capacity to take action and produce outcomes and fulfill promises. ◦ What kind of authority and power do you have to take action in your Center?

11 Leaders can either choose to take power from or give power to others. Leaders who choose to share power are granted power back by others. Giving power means to give others the capacity to take action and produce outcomes and fulfill promises. Power: Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

12 Politics: Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations ◦ Politics is the conversation about who will be authorized / invited to have what conversations. ◦ Who has the power to be included in conversations in your organization? ◦ Who talks to whom about what? ◦ Who is responsible for what? ◦ Who is allotted what power in your organization? ◦ These are political choices from leadership.

13 Conversations are generative. With every conversation you have you are generating a new future. What conversations are you engaging in? Conversations: Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

14 Care Conversation Commitment Action Results Anatomy for Action Conversations: Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

15 ◦ Conversations are choiceful. ◦ Your observer affects your conversations available to you. ◦ Your assessment of power affects your conversations. ◦ Your assessment of the organizational politics of Who is invited into the conversation affects your conversations. ◦ Your assessments of power and politics affect your commitments. ◦ Your shared promises are affected by power, politics, conversations and leadership. Conversations: Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

16 Leadership : Power, Politics and Conversations If Power, Politics and Conversations affect your leadership, how are you observing that you are showing up as a leader? Are you getting the results you want as a leader?

17 As a leader begin to observe and identify: ◦ Your cares. ◦ The conversations are you having. ◦ The commitments you are making. ◦ The power in your organization. ◦ The politics in your organization. ◦ The actions and results you are getting. ◦ Begin to shift your observer to realize new possibilities Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

18 Which Actions you can begin to take:  Begin to observe what I care about.  Observe that my conversations are generative and observe what future I am creating through my conversations  Identify the missing, broken or ineffective conversations. Where do they occur?  Listen for concerns, dissatisfaction, breakdowns, and possibilities in my organization.  Identify the gaps between what I care about and what is actually happening  What do I see as possible?  Who in my organization has the capacity to take action in the network of power,  Who is invited the conversations of politics?  What is happening in your conversations of politics and power?  Assess where prior historical interpretations of power and politics inhibit your effectiveness.  Assess where body, language and emotional reactions inhibit your effective design of politics, power and possibilities.  What are the breakdowns with power that the organization and its members are captured in?  Given this assessment and landscape of power what offers and promises can you make and to whom would be of value?  How can you build the identity to be listened to from care?  What is your design for new actions, skills, learning or coaching that will enable you and your organization to produce a healthier organization and generate the future that will take care of what you care about?

19 List at least 3 Ah-ha’s or actions you will take away from this conversation about leadership: 1. 2. 3. Leadership: Power, Politics and Conversations

20 An Special Offer! Executive Coaching For you from exceptional Coaches! Jack Johnson: Angela Robinson:

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