Highlights from rad-hard measurements DC-DCs in 2011 4 different DC-DCs have been tested so far. Three of them are commercial and were released in May.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights from rad-hard measurements DC-DCs in 2011 4 different DC-DCs have been tested so far. Three of them are commercial and were released in May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights from rad-hard measurements DC-DCs in 2011 4 different DC-DCs have been tested so far. Three of them are commercial and were released in May 2011 and June 2011. 2 of them (TI56221 and TI56121) failed after about 35krad dose (value considering 0.8mC Sr-90 source). 1 of them (LMZ20010) passed ~300krad TID. We stopped Sr-90 irradiation and changed to Fe-55 (in progress). Another device we tested is the AMIS 2, sent by Katja Klein. It didn’t work to specifications, even at no load. 2 more 2011 commercial DC-DCs are on order and we are designing PCBs to take measurements.

2 Vout_irradiated after 24hrs TI56221 Vout varies by 5 mV (variation increased 3 mV from the beginning of the irradiation)

3 Irradiation failure TI56221 Green  Vout Yellow  Vout (no-irradiated) Blue  Iout (Vout/0.1 Ohms) Failure at ~4:47PM 8/9/2011 Irradiation started at 5:35P 8/8/2011 ~23hrs later after irradiation

4 2 nd Irradiation after annealing TI56221-56121 Annealing: 80 C /4min -Failure after 6:30h of irradiation. -Results are notably different Vout varies ~4V

5 Some detail of Voltage variations

6 ..and then is completely off 4 hrs later after it started failing

7 TI 56221- TI 56121

8 National Semiconductor LMZ20010 Fe-55 source 10mCi


10 Tests under 0.5T magnetic field LMZ20010 TID over 300krad ~8 days Sr-90 Source


12 TID @ 1m away According to simulations Integrated Fluence at 1m of IP ~ 2x10^14 1Mev neq/cm^2 The TID for a chip of 1cm^2 and 10grams exposed at that fluence is:

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