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THE VIRUS PART 2 BEGINS. Did you realize that up to 70% of the marine bacteria may be infected with phages? Those are viruses you know.... I don’t think.

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Presentation on theme: "THE VIRUS PART 2 BEGINS. Did you realize that up to 70% of the marine bacteria may be infected with phages? Those are viruses you know.... I don’t think."— Presentation transcript:


2 Did you realize that up to 70% of the marine bacteria may be infected with phages? Those are viruses you know.... I don’t think on Vacation. Are you trying to be some kind of nerd or something?

3 You may hear the term EPISOME used to describe viruses. I must emphasis that we are not the only episomal material that is out there. F plasmids of bacteria, transposons and insertion sequences are also episomes. EPISOMES are a partion of the genetic material that can exist independent of the main genome. The viral episome eventually destroys the host cell.

4 A have a joke for you A Spanish ship captain spots a pirate ship about to attack and he says to his cabin-boy, “Bring me my red shirt.” The cabin-boy wonders why, but he brings the captain his red shirt. The Spanish ship fights bravely all day and repels the pirate ship. The cabin-boy is curious and asks, “Why did you insist on wearing the red shirt.” The captain replies, If I was shot, the crew would not notice and they would bravely continue fighting. The watch suddenly shouts “Twenty pirate ships approaching”. The captain says to the cabin-boy. “Bring me my brown pants.” Lets take a closer look at some of the clan responsible for causing diseases in animals.

5 Remember me, I’m Mr. Coldvirus. My real name is the Rhinovirus and I have a very narrow host range because I only infect cells lining the upper respiratory tract. Pharmaceutical companies have been battling with me for years and spending billions on research but they still can’t stop me. There is no cure for the common cold. I’m a single stranded RNA virus and the RNA can immediately act as mRNA to get my genetic information in control of the cell. Watch out, I’m contagious! ANIMAL CELL ATTACK Rhino mean nose so nose virus. Okay?

6 HI there honey. I’m HIV and you can see that I am surrounded by an envelope with specific glycoproteins that allow me easy entry to the T cells of the immune system. Into the T cell I go!! I am a retrovirus so my RNA is copied onto the host genome and I become a permanent resident on it as a PROVIRUS. Virus particles are produced by these infected cells and go on to infect remaining healthy cells. Infected T cells stop doing their normal function of assisting the B cells in the identification of antigens and so the immune system begins to slow down as more and more critical T cells lose their ability to function. Eventually, the victim develops AIDS and cannot protect themselves from normal infections we all encounter. These infections are what leads to the death of these individuals. ANIMAL CELL ATTACK Body fluids from infected individuals are contagious so watch out!

7 Veruca's name is actually the taxonomic name for a wart. Spelled with a double "r", the three most typical human warts are the Common Wart (verruca vulgaris), the Plantar Wart (verruca plantaris), and the Flat Wart (verruca plana). You may remember one of the children, Veruca Salt. She was a bad egg. I want a golden goose. I want one. I want one. I want it NOW!!!! That kid is a spoiled brat. She’s a disgrace to us warts. HPV human papilloma virus can cause genital warts, cervical cancer and the warts we get on our skin. They are contagious!! CAUTION Skin creams can spread them around! ANIMAL CELL ATTACK

8 NOTE Herpes envelope is derived from nuclear membrane ANIMAL CELL ATTACK Ever hear of the KISSING DISEASE MONO? It is caused by the Epstein Barr virus, a type of herpesvirus. It is spread via saliva Blood tests show the presence of abnormal lymphocytes that resemble the monocytes – thus the derived name MONONUCLEOSIS. Fatigue, sore throat and fever are some symptoms. There is no cure for the herpes virus so WATCH OUT!. This cold sore is herpes and the infection stays with you for life. Fortunately, the virus only enters the virulent phase occasionally. Don’t share lipstick, glasses, eating utensils or you will spread it when it is leaking! There is a really bad version that infects the sex organs. An infected partner might not even be noticed!

9 ANIMAL CELL ATTACK Pox viruses Chicken pox- Varicella zoster Small pox Variola major or minor Child with smallpox Vaccination of the entire global population has lead to the eradication of this deadly smallpox disease. It used to kill 50 million people a year! Edward Jenner developed the first vaccine prompted by the potential deaths of his own children. He noted milkmaids who got cowpox did not get smallpox. He used the cowpox fluid as the first vaccine. It worked!! Thank goodness because he used a child as the experimental subject!! Contagious and can scar skin but not fatal. It is a type of herpes virus and it can return when you are an adult as shingles. First trial vaccine 1797. Cowpox vaccination to prevent deadly smallpox

10 Vaccinations I wish I would have got the polio vaccination. Then my leg would not be all withered. Poliomyelitis caused these deformities before Jonas Salk invented the vaccine in the 1950’s. A vaccine contains an agent that resembles a disease causing invader. This stimulates the body’s immune system to recognize it, develop antibodies to it and develop a method to destroy it before the body ever comes in contact with the dangerous invader. Booster shots may be given to enhance the immune “memory” over time. If everyone gets vaccinated, many diseases virtually disappear. It’s only because of poor vaccination practice worldwide that we have not eradicated more deadly invaders as they often need to use humans exclusively as the host.

11 Hey honey, do you think we should have got some sort of vaccination before we came here? It’s not required by the government. Why would we need that? I don’t think this country even has health standards like Canada. Who is to say whether the food and water are safe here? That’s right. Relax. That way you won’t realize that the person who placed this lemon on your drink actually has Hepatitis A and didn’t even bother to wash his hands in the bathroom. I’m the hepatitis virus and I need a host. Oh relax. Thousands of people visit this place.

12 EMERGING VIRUSES These appear and suddenly come to the attention of medical experts. HIV the virus that causes AIDS is an example. It’s pretty nasty but.... Ebola virus is particularly dangerous. It can kill a person in about 2 weeks after infection. It causes hemorrhagic fever causing fever massive bleeding of organs and circulatory collapse. Internal organs simply seem to turn to liquid! Don’t touch the liquid or you could be infected if it can reach a point of entry into your body! Marburg is also another dangerous one. Both these are classed as filoviridae. Your chances of survival are at best 50% to about 20%. The virus, however, can “burn out” fast if quarantined West Nile Virus is one you may have recently heard about. It’s dangerous because it can cause encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain. Watch out for mosquitoes. They are the vectors of this disease. SARS is severe acute respiratory syndrome and is a coronavirus. This type of virus previously was not known to infect humans but in 2003 China had 8,000 cases and 700 died. It is caused by single stranded RNA like the cold virus. I’m smart. I keep my victims alive to spread me around during the illness

13 The Spanish flu 1918 pandemic. Could it happen again – or maybe something worse? Influenza A subtype H1N1 virus of 1918 infected all regions of the globe and infected about ½ to 1/3 of the world’s population at that time. About 50-100 million people died of the disease worldwide in the two years of the pandemic Virus was VIRULENT. – very pathogenic Disease seemed to cause an overreaction of the immune system, which killed people younger adults more often with stronger immune responses CURRENTLY THE RISE OF H1N1 presents a new risk globally. We are no longer protected by geographical distance which slowed the spread of this disease in 1918. If this happens again, it will rapidly spread worldwide and likely be devastating.

14 Actually no. These viruses have been here, they just mutate, spread to new host species or move around the globe faster because of better transportation.... So emerging viruses are new viruses that are appearing. Should I worry. I don’t want to worry on vacation. Yes you should. For instance, here in this tropical paradise, the forests are being cut leading people into contact will previously inaccessible regions. These animals could host viruses that could infect humans. It just has to cross over to our species.

15 Viruses and the hosts they infect often result in some unique mixing opportunities for the genomes of different species. This is due to the reproductive mechanisms of the virus, where viral genomes may enter host genomes. Host genome may then be excised along with the viral genome, which leaves the host and goes on to infect other host cells. A viral genome often has more in common with the genome of the host than with the genomes of viruses infecting other hosts. Some having identical genomes to the host!!

16 Transduction is the process by which viruses transfer DNA from one bacteria to another Generalized transduction is when some of the bacterial genome gets into the virus capsid during the lytic cycle. The inclusion of the bacterial DNA is random. T phages will conduct generalized transduction RANDOM pieces of bacterial DNA will be transferred. Thus GENERAL

17 Specialized Transduction involves the virus in the lytic cycle. During this phase, it inserts itself into the bacterial chromosome. If the virus removes itself from the host DNA incorrectly, the host DNA will be attached to the virus genome. This tag along is specific to the site of insertion of the viral genome into the bacterial genome. Lambda phage is classified as a temperate phage because it will go into the lytic and lysogenic pathways. You can see the phage DNA is attached and carries with it a length of bacterial DNA. This is specific to the phage insertion site. Thus SPECIALIZED.

18 Are you still eating beef? Yes I am. Why would you ask that? Haven’t you heard about the BSE, you know, Mad Cow disease? My brain is on vacation starting now.

19 Mad cow disease BSE or vCJD is caused by something very strange on the foreign disease invader spectrum. It is simply caused by a protein that persists in individuals infected with it. The protein has an incorrect misfolded protein structure that causes other correct proteins to also take on the misfolded structure. This leads to accumulation of the protein and destruction of brain tissue as a result. BSE stands for Bovine(cow) spongiform (holes like a sponge) encephalopathy ( brain tissue pathology). So the brain develops holes of destroyed brain tissue. If an outbreak occurs in a herd, the whole herd must be destroyed. The meat cannot be saved as the prion protein that causes it is virtually indestructible, not even being destroyed by cooking the food!!! PRIONS – A PROTEIN INFECTION? Green indicates cases of Mad Cow Disease

20 VIROIDS – MOLECULAR CIRCLE OF RNA (naked) infects plants Why do they have these dead palms around here? They have been infected with a viroid. It’s killed millions of coconut palms here. Viroids infect plants. They are only several hundred nucleotides long that do not make proteins but can replicate themselves in host plants. Usually they cause stunted growth and abnormal development of the plant.

21 Virus Ends

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