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Christine Campbell Evelyn Guess 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Fall, 2007 Grade Level: 4 th Poetry (limerick) aabbaaabba.

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Presentation on theme: "Christine Campbell Evelyn Guess 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Fall, 2007 Grade Level: 4 th Poetry (limerick) aabbaaabba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christine Campbell Evelyn Guess 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Fall, 2007 Grade Level: 4 th Poetry (limerick) aabbaaabba

2 Christine Campbell 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Fall, 2007 Grade Level:4 th Poetry (limerick) GPS: ELA4W1-The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure.

3 GPS The student employs the following strategies: a.Selects a focus, organizational structure, and a point of view, based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements. PLO: Using a graphic organizer the student will write a limerick.

4 Poetry (limerick) Limerick poetry is a poem that uses rhyme and rhythm. The sentences have a strong beat and rhyme is used at the end of each line or within lines, rather at the end. A limerick is to be humorous and nonsensical ( not make sense) five-line poem. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme, and have the same number of syllables. The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other, and have the same number of syllables. For example,

5 Limerick A Clumsy Young Fellow Named Tim (A) There once was a fellow named Tim (8) (A) whose dad never taught him to swim. (8) (B) He fell off a dock (5) (B) and sunk like a rock. (5) (A) And that was the very end of him. (8)

6 Limerick (prewriting) Limericks are usually written about characters. Limericks often begin with the words: There once was… or There was a… The first stage in writing our poem we will use the prewriting stage. The prewriting stage we have to determine our topic, the function, our audience, and our form. Our topic will be a character.

7 Limerick (prewriting) The function will be to pretend or make believe. Our audience will be for our classmates to read. The form is poetry. We will use a graphic organizer to get started. Our graphic organizer will help us get our thoughts organized and in order.

8 Citations Ciardi, J (1989). The hopeful trout and other limericks. New York, New York. Lansky, B. (n.d.).Giggle poetry. Retrieved November 3, 2007. From ickcontesthelp.html Show and model

9 Practice Activity As a group activity we will use our graphic organizer to prewrite our limerick. We will use the shared pen technique We first need to decide what we are going to write about. Remember that Limericks usually begin with there once was…. We will not worry about spelling, punctuation or our form of syllables.

10 Assessment Activity Students will complete the graphic organizer. All five bubbles will be filled in. The rhyming words and phrases will be in the correct bubble.

11 Evelyn Guess 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 4 th Poetry (Limerick) GPS: ELA4W1-The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure.

12 GPS The student employs the following strategies b. Writes text of a length appropriate to address the topic or tell a story. PLO : The student will draft a limerick.

13 Poetry (limerick) Limerick poetry is a poem that uses rhyme and rhythm. The sentences have a strong beat and rhyme is used at the end of each line or within lines, rather at the end. A limerick is to be humorous and nonsensical ( not make sense) five-line poem. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme, and have the same number of syllables. The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other, and have the same number of syllables. For example,

14 Limerick A Clumsy Young Fellow Named Tim (A) There once was a fellow named Tim (8) (A) whose dad never taught him to swim. (8) (B) He fell off a dock (5) (B) and sunk like a rock. (5) (A) And that was the very end of him. (8)

15 Limerick (Drafting) Using our graphic organizer we are ready to draft our limerick poem. We will label this as our sloppy copy. We will use ten lines on a sheet of paper. Limericks are five lines long but we are going to skip lines. Remember spelling and punctuation are not important at this time.

16 Practice Activity Using our practice graphic organizer we will create a sloppy copy draft together. We will use the shared pen technique. Using the graphic organizer ask students to give complete sentences for each bubble. Remind the students that line 1 and 2 and 5 end in rhyming words. And line 3 and 4 end in rhyming words. Explain to students that they will need to count the syllables in each line. The syllables will be the same in the first, second, and fifth line. The third and fourth will be the same.

17 Assessment Activity The student will complete the draft with the correct rhyming words using their graphic organizer. The draft will consist of five lines. Lines one, two and five will have the same amount of syllables. Lines three and four should have the same syllable count..

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