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UNIT 2: CHAPTER 3 THE ANCIENT GREEKS. #1. HOW DID GEOGRAPHY SHAPE GREEK CIVILIZATION? The civilization of Greece was shaped by the country’s geography.

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2 #1. HOW DID GEOGRAPHY SHAPE GREEK CIVILIZATION? The civilization of Greece was shaped by the country’s geography in many ways. The sea isolated villages AND cities that dotted the shoreline and provided them with communication routes, as well as a way to make a living. Because they had little good farmland, Greeks learned to make do with the olives, grapes, and grains that would grow in their country. Because Greece is so mountainous, communications and travel between the many city-states were slow and difficult. **They make it very difficult to unify the country under one gov’t.

3 #1 (CON’T.) Mediterranean Climate (similar to Southern California) – little rain, lots of sun fostered interaction and cultural development Sea travel plays an integral role in the development of this civilization 100s of islands Rugged coastline NO river valley

4 #2. NAME 4 OF THE GREEK GODS & THEIR REALMS OF CONTROL. Poseidon Ruled over the oceans – God of the Sea Athena Goddess of Wisdom Zeus Greatest of all the Gods Hera Zeus’ wife – goddess of the earth

5 #3. WHAT WERE THREE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OF THE GREEKS ? Polytheistic – believed in many gods Gods were human-like/ had human qualities Had affairs, had illegitimate children Being a priest was a civic duty & not a lifelong job Religious obligations included being involved in the government

6 #4. WHY WERE THE OLYMPICS SO IMPORTANT TO THE GREEKS? Were important because they provided Greek heroes with a way to achieve glory in peacetime using their athletic skills. Were a form of worship of the gods of Olympus A celebration in Honor of Zeus- the God of Gods

7 #5. WHAT IS A PHALANX? A Greek military formation Consisted of 8 ranks of soldiers Each with a shield AND spear Soldiers in the front rank walked with their shields forward and their spears extended out, parallel to the ground Soldiers in the following ranks held their spears at differing angles, according to what rank they were in, and lowered them as the men in the front ranks fell in battle. WAS THE MOST FORMIDABLE FIGHTING MACHINE OF ITS TIME


9 #6. HOW, BASICALLY, DID ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY WORK? Athenian democracy was very simple. Under Solon’s reforms, ALL citizens could vote in the assembly, where ALL important matters were debated and decided by a vote using a show of hands. Unfortunately, only males who were 21 or older were considered to be citizens.

10 #7. WHO WERE THE GREEKS’ CHIEF RIVALS? Main rival: Persian Empire On both occasions that the two powers met, the Persians, who had a much larger army were defeated.

11 #8. WHO WAS PERICLES? An Athenian born of aristocratic parents Joined the assembly at age 20 and soon became known as a gifted speaker (orator) In 461 BCE, Pericles was elected as one of the Ten Generals of Athens He eventually became the leader of Athens and was so important to the city that the period from 461 – 429 BCE is known as the Age of Pericles.

12 #9. WHAT WAS THE EXTENT OF ALEXANDER’S CONQUESTS, AND WHY WAS HE SO SUCCESSFUL? Alexander the Great was able to conquer much of the world as it was known during his lifetime. He extended his rule from Greece south to Egypt and eastward into the Persian Empire and parts of the Indian subcontinent. He was successful because he allowed citizens from the conquered territories to join his army, because he was daring, and because he had been trained for leadership virtually from the day he was born.

13 #10. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS OF GREEK CULTURE? Advent/ “birth” of democracy Development of geometry Contributions to art & sculpture Advances Physics Philosophy Government Theater Astronomy

14 *EXPLAIN THE BIRTH OF ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY & COMPARE IT TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. Athens Created to avert a civil war between the farmers and aristocrats of Athens, Solon’s reforms, Cleisthenes’ reforms. Voting in Athens was restricted to approx. 1/5 of the total population. American U.S. is a combination of democratic AND republican systems of gov’t. While Athens used a direct- voting form of democracy, the U.S. system consists of representatives that are elected by the people to serve their interests. Citizenship is NOT based on age or gender. Jus sanguinis – birth (parents) Jus soli - soil (place of birth)

15 IDENTIFY THE 2 PROMINENT GREEK CITY-STATES & EXPLAIN HOW THEY DIFFERED. Athens Prominent city-state Limited democracy Voted for leaders Athenian military was voluntary Had enlightened leaders Solon, Cleisthenes, Pericles Sparta Prominent city-state Military state in which there were few rights Spartans lived off the labors of the Messienians, or helots. NEVER voted for their rulers Active military service was mandatory for Spartan men til age of 30 Had 2 kings – one political & one military


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