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Immorality vs. Purity While it is true that not all ‘immorality’ is sexual in nature, it is also true that neither can these two terms be completely isolated.

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2 Immorality vs. Purity While it is true that not all ‘immorality’ is sexual in nature, it is also true that neither can these two terms be completely isolated from one another biblically. We’ve spent a couple of lessons dealing with immorality generally and its opposite specifically- Purity. Purifying our hearts, minds, conscience, language, and bodies.

3 Sexual Immorality Is there any form of immorality with which we are more confronted than that of sexual immorality? Think about it: What product is sold without a sexual slant to the advertising? What day goes by in which we don’t hear of some sexually-based crime?

4 Sexual Immorality What TV show can you watch without sexually-based jokes, situations, premises, or demonstrations? It has even been a mainstay of government and religious legislation for the last several years. Many forms of “safe sex” are touted rather than “no sex” or abstinance.

5 Sexual Immorality There are a couple of things we must be willing to acknowledge before we can be effective in dealing with these issues: 1) the pervasive nature sex in our culture 2) the fact that as these issues have changed our society, they have also had influence within the Church. 3) the Church not only can, but must return purity, 1Cor.6:9-10.

6 Sexual Immorality “How has sexual immorality influenced the Church?” 1. We no longer have the proper attitude toward sexual immorality. With regard to fornication/adultery, Heb.13:4; Matt.5:32; Matt.19:9. With regard to immodest/improper dress, 1Tim.2:9; 1Pet.3:3. With regard to our children, Eph.6:4. With regard to our personal purity, 1Thess.4:3-6; Matt.5:28.

7 Sexual Immorality “How has sexual immorality influenced the Church?” 2. We no longer have the proper action toward sexual immorality. What happened to “flee immorality” ? 1Cor.6:18 Our stance seems to have become more of a passive tolerance- an “I don’t participate but neither do I condmen others who do” approach. Cf. Eph.5:5-14 We may not actively ‘participate’ but are we all to willing to watch and laugh along with others who do because “It doesn’t affect me?” Don’t kid / “deceive” yourself.

8 Sexual Immorality “How has sexual immorality influenced the Church?” 2. We no longer have the proper action toward sexual immorality. If we do not endeavor to keep our homes pure, exactly how is it that we plan to keep ourselves and our children pure? We even attend events and frequent places which promote immoral behavior. Many “festivals” are nothing more than drunken feasts where every encouragement is provided to act upon improper thoughts and motives.

9 Sexual Immorality “So, what are we going to do about it?” 1. If its true, we are going to acknowledge that we have become spiritual adultresses, James 4:4. 2. We are going to change our improper motives, James 4:3. 3. We are going to change our imporper desires, James 4:4. $. We are going to change our improper submission, James 4:5-10. We are going to purify our hearts, minds, & bodies!


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