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Topic 9 Korean Foodways. Gimchi: origin & change A kind of acid fermented vegetable Gimchi, Chinese paocai, Japanese tsukemono, Chinese origin theory:

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 9 Korean Foodways. Gimchi: origin & change A kind of acid fermented vegetable Gimchi, Chinese paocai, Japanese tsukemono, Chinese origin theory:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 9 Korean Foodways

2 Gimchi: origin & change A kind of acid fermented vegetable Gimchi, Chinese paocai, Japanese tsukemono, Chinese origin theory: jeo (ju) was introduced into Korean and Japan and later developed into the pickled vegetables Changing theory: –Introduction of red pepper which is native to the New World during the Japanese invasion of 1592 –Lack of salt

3 The introduction of red pepper changed Gimchi into seasoned one. It took place between the late 17c and the late 19c. External influence: red pepper and cabbage Internal factors: socioeconomic situations during the late Joseon period.

4 Distinctive Features of Korean table (bapsang): how food is served The basic structure of a Korean meal is cooked rice and soup with side dishes including Gimchi; –The status of a meal is measured by the number of side dishes such as from “three side dish rice table,” to “twelve-.” Simultaneous service wherein all dishes including dessert are placed on the table Not consumed entirely; a way of showing generosity

5 Western Influence A course meal was introduced in the early 1980’s. Fusion style dishes and western style of table setting Individual dishes but communal dishes are maintained.

6 Different Style of Table Setting Collective way of eating or Spirit of Sharing (Korea) There is a soup pot in the middle of table. Many side dishes are served at a time and you can share. (Korea) There is a rotating table and you can pick food. (Famous China Town Style) Individual dish is served. (Many European countries, Japan)

7 European countriesEast Asian countries

8 Korea

9 Famous China Town Style

10 Japan



13 Why is royal court cuisine popular in Korea? A rising interest in rediscovering forgotten national cultural traditions that reflected newly gained economic prosperity and cultural vitality. Such heritage provides a change to display distinction and exclusivity; sopistication, elegance, and the utmost refinement. High culture as a sign of status and identity for modern urban Korean people.

14 Eating is not just an act of satisfying physiological need or a matter of nutritional supply. Cultural practices that style and aesthetics matter Jack Goody notes that the spread of haute cuisine in England ca be attibuted in part to the changing nature of social stratification and the increasing dominance of the middle class.

15 Trickle-down effect Special dishes in royal court cuisine become available at other restaurants: –Sinseollo, neobiani, gujeolpan

16 Rice Burger

17 Coffee MixKimchi Pizza

18 As food and food ways of each country are distinctive, each culture has its own color and taste. Yet, if we closely look into the history of food, adaption and fusion were common phenomena. Food has developed into its multicultural aspects. Likewise, in other dimensions in a culture multiculturalism should be pursued both in domestic and international arenas.

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