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 Congestion Busting Toolbox Brief Driver Fitness.

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1  Congestion Busting Toolbox Brief Driver Fitness

2 Causes of congestion Below are some of the main causes of congestion in the capital Collisions – 28% Vehicle breakdowns – 9% Highway authority works – 19% Utility works – 19% Special events – 4% Other issues – 21%

3 Effects of congestion Congestion wastes time Makes it difficult to predict journey times Wastes fuel – which costs money and is bad for the environment Slows down the emergency services Increases wear and tear on vehicles Increases driver stress Today we will look at how driver fitness can help reduce congestion ‘Help keep London Rolling’

4  Driver fitness Driving is the most dangerous work activity that most people do About 20 people are killed and 220 seriously injured in crashes every week

5  Driver fitness If you hold a driving licence, the law requires you to tell the DVLA of any medical conditions that may affect your ability to drive safely If you are involved in an accident and it is found that your health condition was a contributing factor, you will be prosecuted and our insurance may not be valid

6  Your driving licence details Medical examination date 01 – eyesight correction 115 – organ donor

7 At what age do you start having medicals Below the age of 45: Confirm your medical fitness Above the age of 45: Provide medical examination certificate Every 5 years Aged 65 As from the 19 th January 2013 Aged 45 Annually

8  Drink driving HGV hurtling at 55mph the wrong way down the M6 Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit DR10 11 years

9  Drink driving 60 children are killed or seriously injured 60 children are killed or seriously injured Each year about 240 motorcyclists are killed or seriously injured 240 motorcyclists are killed or seriously injured 120 pedestrian are killed or seriously injured 120 pedestrian are killed or seriously injured 1,200 seriously injured 250 people are killed 20 pedal cyclist are killed or seriously injured 20 pedal cyclist are killed or seriously injured 500 car passengers are killed or seriously injured 500 car passengers are killed or seriously injured

10  Drink driving Every year, about 90,000 people are convicted of drinking and driving

11  Drink driving, the problem Legal limit 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 of breath 80 micrograms of alcohol per 100 of blood 107 micrograms of alcohol per 100 of urine Never rely on trying to calculate accurately how much alcohol is in your body Never rely on trying to calculate accurately how much alcohol is in your body Morning after? Collisions 28 %

12 Driving under the influence of a drug is illegal The law does not treat illegal drugs and prescription medicines differently Drug driving is considered to be as serious as drink driving, and the penalties are the same Drugs affect your ability to drive in many ways  Drug driving Slower reaction times Distorted perception Blurred vision Panic attacks Over-confidence Poor coordination Poor concentration Erratic Dizziness

13  Stress What matters is that you recognise when you are under so much stress that it may be harmful Driving is stressful Diarrhoea Constipation Craving for food Tendency to sweat Indigestion or heartburn Lack of appetite Pins and needles Nervous twitches Sleeping problems Headaches Feeling sick or dizzy Breathlessness Chest pains Sexual difficulties

14  Stress Tips to tackle stress Make the connection 1 1 Could the fact that you’re feeling under the weather be a response to too much pressure?

15  Stress Tips to tackle stress Take a break 2 2 Give yourself a brief break whenever you are feel things are getting on top of you

16  Stress Tips to tackle stress Learn to relax 3 3 Follow a simple routine to relax your muscles and slow your breathing

17  Stress Tips to tackle stress Get better organised 4 4 Make a list of jobs; tackle one task at a time

18  Stress Tips to tackle stress Sort out your worries 5 5 Divide them into those that you can do something about and those that you can’t

19  Stress Tips to tackle stress Change what you can 6 6 Look at the problems that can be resolved, and get whatever help is necessary to sort out

20  Stress Tips to tackle stress Long term priorities 7 7 Step back and examine what it is about your life that’s giving you too much stress. What can you off-load, or change?

21  Stress Tips to tackle stress Improve your lifestyle 8 8 Find time to eat properly, get plenty of exercise and enough sleep

22  Stress Tips to tackle stress Confide in someone 9 9 Don’t keep emotions bottled up

23  Stress Tips to tackle stress Focus on the positive aspects of your life 10

24  Stress Alertness is reduced if you drive at times when you would normally be asleep. Irregular work and shift patterns also increase the risk of fatigue

25  Driver fitness and road congestion Make the link

26  Congestion Busting Toolbox Brief Thank you and any questions?

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