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Post-compulsory Education & Training Equality & Diversity Jason Ferguson.

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3 Post-compulsory Education & Training Equality & Diversity Jason Ferguson

4 Aim- To understand your own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning with respect to Equality & Diversity. Equality & Diversity

5 Objectives By the end of the session candidates should be able to: 1.Identify learner differences within the classroom environment. 2.Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practise relating to your own roles & responsibilities. 3.Paraphrase key terminology associated with equality and Diversity. 4.Explain and analyse your own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity. Equality & Diversity

6 Task 1 Identifying difference within your own Learning Environment. With the person next to you, how many differences can you think of? Equality & Diversity

7 What is in scope? Key Aspects of Equality Law & Legislation with respect to difference.

8 Equality Act 2010 Under the Equality Act 2010 the following people with the ‘Protected Characteristics’ are safeguarded. Equality & Diversity

9 ‘Protected Characteristics ’  age  disability  gender reassignment  marriage and civil partnership  pregnancy and maternity  race  religion or belief  sex  sexual orientation. Equality & Diversity

10 Equality Act 2010 Implemented with the intention of simplifying and strengthening the old discrimination legislation. The following legislation has been repealed in its entirety:  Sex Discrimination Act 1975.  Race Relations Act 1976.  Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Equality & Diversity

11 Equality Act 2010 Has replaced much of the following legislation:  Equality Act 2006.  Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.  Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003.  Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006.  Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007. Equality & Diversity

12 Other Relevant Legislation  Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act (2009).  Children Act (2004).  Data Protection Act (2003).  Freedom of Information Act (2000).  Human Rights Act 1998 (articles 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14).  Protection from Harassment Act (1997 ).  Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974).  Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006).  Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.  Work & Families Act (2006). Equality & Diversity

13 Current Equality issues within Education & Training Task 2 Try & answer the following questions Equality & Diversity

14 Racist Incidents in Schools & Colleges  Between 2007 & 2011, 87,915 racist incidents were recorded by 90 local authorities across the UK.  18,996 were reported between 2010 & 2011 alone.  In 2011 the number of suspensions for racist behaviour in UK schools consisted of 1.2%. Equality & Diversity

15 Key terminology associated with Equality & Diversity

16 Group Task In groups, using the flip charts provided. Look at the following terms often connected with Equality & Diversity training. 1. Equal Opportunities. 2. Stereotyping. 3. Prejudice. 4. Discrimination. 5. Racism. How would you define them?...... Equality & Diversity

17 Equal Opportunities

18 What is meant by Equal Opportunities? Equal Opportunities is about treating people fairly but not necessarily the same. It ensures that one person does not receive less favourable treatment or unsuitable treatment than another. Equality & Diversity

19 Abiased perception (usually negative) traits regardless of whether they actually possess those traits A rigid or biased perception in which individuals are ascribed certain (usually negative) traits regardless of whether they actually possess those traits merely because of their membership in a specify national or social group What is meant by Stereotyping? Equality & Diversity

20 Feelingsattitudes based on faultyinflexible generalisation. Feelings or attitudes based on a faulty & inflexible generalisation. What is Prejudice? Equality & Diversity

21 What constitutes Discrimination?

22 Discrimination There are now seven different forms of discrimination There are now seven different forms of discrimination.  Direct Discrimination.  Indirect Discrimination.  Associative Discrimination.  Discrimination by Perception.  Harassment.  Harassment by a 3 rd party i.e. a consultant or visitor.  Victimisation. Equality & Diversity

23 In Summary any act or failure to act based on a person’s Discrimination is any act or failure to act which is based in whole or in part on a person’s protected characteristic. The effects of which will affect adversely persons life opportunities, rights, freedom or dignity. The effects of which will affect adversely such things as the persons life opportunities, rights, freedom or dignity. Equality & Diversity

24 Prejudice & Discrimination in action 5 Steps to Tyranny Step 1 - ‘us & them’

25 Racism Equality & Diversity

26 What is Racism? The transformations of prejudice based on race into discrimination throughpower or authority The transformations by individuals & institutions / organisations of prejudice based on race into discrimination through the exercise of power or authority against another person or group defined as inferior. Equality & Diversity

27 What is a Racist Incident? “ A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. Equality & Diversity

28 The Prejudice Paradigm Activity 1

29 The Prejudice Paradigm Equality & Diversity Prejudice Discriminator Prejudiced Non-Discriminator Non-Prejudice Non-Discriminator Non-Prejudice Discriminator

30 Demonstrating Appropriate Behaviour Promoting Equality and Valuing Diversity. Equality & Diversity

31 Responding to Dominance Activity 2 List some barriers and challenges leaners may experience which may culminate towards the feeling of exclusion. Equality & Diversity

32 Responding to Dominance  Withdraw  Acquiesce  Acquiesce (accepting reluctantly)  Resist Equality & Diversity

33 The Drama Triangle Persecutor Victim Rescuer Equality & Diversity

34 Betari’s Box An idea or notion based on little or no fact (Prejudice) may also be referred to as ‘attitude’. Equality & Diversity

35 My AttitudeMy Behaviour YourAttitudeYourBehaviour Affects Affects Affects Affects Equality & Diversity

36 Tutors / Trainers Responsibilities Equality & Diversity

37 Negotiate(win-win) Power Avoid Diffuse The Conflict Continuum Equality & Diversity

38 Group Task Think of ways in which you can promote respect for diversity and inclusive practise within your teaching / training environment. Equality & Diversity

39 All teachers should demonstrate that:  You are aware of, and prepared to identify and challenge stereotypes in the curriculum and teaching materials.  You are committed to avoiding stereotypes and bias in your own teaching / training and are equipped to do so.  You recognise and value diversity and seek to reflect this in their teaching.  You are able to recognise, and prepared to deal with, manifestations of discrimination in their classrooms Equality & Diversity In Summary

40 Physiological Is the learning environment comfortable, am I welcome? Safety Needs Am I Worried about Equality & Diversity matters Recognition Belonging, do others respect me Self Esteem Feeling happy with oneself SelfActualisation Equality & Diversity Malsow’s (learners) Hierarchy of Needs expressed in educational terms

41 What does Diversity mean?

42 Diversity could be defined as ‘valuing difference’.  To treat people all individuals fairly, with dignity & respect.  Providing opportunities to all.  To provide a safe, supportive & welcoming environment. Equality & Diversity

43 A n y Q u e s t i o n s ? Answer: Everyone! There is no defence in hiding behind others. Question: Who has the responsibility to deal with equality and diversity issues?

44 Knowledge CheckBlockbusters Equality & Diversity


46 Aim- To understand your own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning with respect to Equality & Diversity. Equality & Diversity

47 Objectives By the end of the session candidates should be able to: 1.Identify learner differences within the classroom environment. 2.Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practise relating to your own roles & responsibilities. 3.Paraphrase key terminology associated with equality and Diversity. 4.Explain and analyse your own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity. Equality & Diversity


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