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Lifestyle Interventions Dr MargiAnne Isaia, MD MPH Enthusiasm Program Overview Power point presentation All rights reserved. Copyright secured. Used by.

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1 Lifestyle Interventions Dr MargiAnne Isaia, MD MPH Enthusiasm Program Overview Power point presentation All rights reserved. Copyright secured. Used by permission. Nutrition therapy

2 ENTHUSIASM MEAL COLLECTION OVERVIEW The project is intended to help motivate healthy or sick people to adopt a well- balanced, qualitative plant-based diet. It represents basic food items and is designed in accordance with AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) recommended by DGA (Dietary Guidelines for Americans): Carbohydrate 45-65 %, Lipids 20-35 % and Proteins 10-15 %. It meets, also, the requirements for vitamins (except Vitamin B 12), minerals and fibers recommended by DGA. Generally, the daily menu provides approx 1800-1900 calories. It is planned to have more than 50% of calories from breakfast, and a reduced amount of calories from supper. It is necessary to have daily supplementation with Vitamin B 12

3 The nutritionist or the dietitian will establish special needs for special people. In the absence of these specialists, the physicians must do this job. Nutrition Facts from every recipe is intended for the health care professionals in calculating special portions for special people. Healthy people will have their menu in accordance with their calorie needs, depending on age, sex, physical activity level, physiologic states. Sick people will have their menu in accordance with the pathologic profile. OVERVIEW

4 People interested in Weight Management can benefit from this project, cutting down the supper. In preparing the menu items, it was the interest of promoting whole food items, healthy fats, and variety of foods from the same food categories. All the food categories are daily represented. I discourage cooking oils as much as possible. Whenever necessary, it is used olive oil, a Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid. Refined sugar is used just when in combination with yeast in order to help fermentation in dough preparation. It is used in very small amounts. As sweeteners, there are used no refined sugars, or honey. Instead, there are used dried fruits. OVERVIEW

5 As condiments, there are used culinary herbs, rich in phyto-chemicals with mild flavors, in acceptable amount and combination, to encourage simplicity and discover the natural taste and flavor of the food provided by our Creator. Proteins, as nutrient of concern in strictly vegetarian diet, are found mainly in legumes (beans), nuts, seeds and whole cereals. Buckwheat, as a pseudo- cereal, contains proteins. Milk alternatives, especially almond and sesame milk represent important Calcium sources, besides other sources (beans, seeds, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables). The program is made for 21 days in order to help people change their eating style. Nutrition Facts were calculated using ESHA Nutrition Research Database. OVERVIEW

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