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The International Library A Multilingual Library in Sweden – for a multi- lingual population.

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1 The International Library A Multilingual Library in Sweden – for a multi- lingual population

2  Financed by the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs, Stockholm County Council and Stockholm City  Approximately 220.000 volumes in 130 different languages  32 employees, arround 65% with a foreign origine – speak 27 languages

3 The Immigrant Library 1991  “Immigrant languages”, i.e. neither Swedish nor Nordic languages, English, German or French  Services to other libraries  Complementary media support and other services to libraries through depositions and seperate loans and being a resourse for relevant knowledge and developement

4 The International Library 2000  “Immigrant languages”, i.e. neither Swedish or Swedish Minority languages, nor Nordic languages, English, German or French  Services to libraries but also a public library  Complementary media support and other services to libraries through depositions and seperate loans and being a resourse for relevant knowledge and developement

5 National plan for literature support (2006)  Library services – a primary municipal responsability  An agreement between IBLC and the County libraries on responsability concerning literature support in different languages  Every county has the responsabililty for their ”own” languages; IB is complementary on seperate loans

6 What can be found at the International Library?  Approximatly 220.000 books in 130 languages  Newspapers (185 + Pressdisplay) and magazines (40)  DVD and Video  More then 2500 CDs with world music  Talking books and audio books

7  Main collection

8 The main languages (loans)

9 Loans 2009 69% fiction 31% non - fiction 74% adult media 26% childrens´ media

10 Library Activities - Programmes  Language cafées  Authors programmes  Computer workshops  Lectures  Conducted tours  International gatherings organised by an Embassy or international associations

11 The target group – Children and young adults with other mother tongue then Swedish.

12 Activities for Children  Literature – book talks, conducted tours, creative-writing projects etc  The Children’s Book Bus visits ”Saturday Language Schools”  Cooperation with mother- tongue teachers  Support to libraries and schools  The Secret Garden

13 Why have books in several languages?  Every child who visits the library has the right to find his or her books

14 Children’s Books in many languages - a project for the Stockholm Public Library  Arabic  English  Bosnien  French  Chinese  Polish  Persian  Russian  Somali  Spanish

15 The International Libraries Children’s Book Week

16 The purpose with the Children’s Book Week The purpose with the Children’s Book Week to stimulate children with other mother tongue then Swedish to develop reading and writing in their mother tongue to increase the knowledge amongst librarians, teachers and authors about children’s literature in the chosen countries To let the invited authors meet their Swedish colleagues and learn more about Children’s literature in Sweden and exchange experiences

17  Every year since 2004 the International Library has invited a number of authors of Children’s Books from arround the world for a weeks visit to Sweden  27 authors from 23 different countries have so far visited Sweden during this week


19 The International Children’s Book Week 2010 ! Senait Worku (Ethiopia) Celestina Maria Fernandes (Angola) Desbele Mehari (Eritrea ) Bienvenu Sene Mongaba( Kongo-Kinshasa) Elieshi Lema (Tanzania) Said Salah (Somalia)

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