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Animal form & function nervous system. Primary cell Neuron:  many dendrites  1 axon  Many axon terminals  Myelin sheath: saltatory conduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal form & function nervous system. Primary cell Neuron:  many dendrites  1 axon  Many axon terminals  Myelin sheath: saltatory conduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal form & function nervous system

2 Primary cell Neuron:  many dendrites  1 axon  Many axon terminals  Myelin sheath: saltatory conduction

3 Synapse Pre-synaptic neuron; synaptic vesicles: neurotransmitter: acetyl choline Post-synaptic neuron: receptors Synaptic space: neurotransmitter across then, consumed: acetyl choline esterase neurotransmitter

4 Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine: stims skeletal muscle Norepinephrines (also hormone) stim or inhibit Dopamine: (pleasure pathway, drugs) excitatory Serotonin: relaxation. Inhibitory

5 Membrane potentials Resting potential:  Ion pumps maintain gradient across plasma membrane  Na and Cl outside K inside  Cell more negative inside Depolarization  Open of gated ion channels: allow Na Cl to flow in  Graded response  ACTION POTENTIAL: when stim enough neuron will fire.  All or none Repolarization post stim: channels back in action

6 Taxonomy Cnidarians:  Nerve net Sea star  Nerves and nerve net More evolved  nerves Flat worms: planaria  Small brain and long nerve cords = simplest CNS

7 Evolved complexity cephalization: allowed for more complex system. Clustering of neurons in a brain (anteriorly)

8 CNS and PNS CNS: central nervous system  Brain and spinal cord PNS: peripheral nervous system  Peripheral nerves  Cranial nerves  Somatic: conscious control  Autonomic: visceral, not conscious control  Parasympathetic: relax  Sympathertic: excited: dilate pupils, increase heart rate, lung funct.

9 Process information Simplest pathway: reflex arc Sensory input: specialized nerves receive stimuli.  Carried in on afferent nerves Integration:  Reflex: spinal cord.  For conscious aware: brain Motor output:  Response. Info carried on efferent nerve

10 Brain Brain stem:  Medulla and pons: homeostatic control Cerebellum  coordination Diencephalon  Thalamus(sensory input). Hypothalamus(homeostatic)  Circadian rhythms Cerebrum  Higher thought and learning  Voluntary control

11 Ear: hearing and balance

12 Sound Sounds waves Pinna: outer ear: directs sound waves into ear Tympanic membrane: eardrum vibrates 3 bones: ossicles Oval window Cochlea: filled with fluid. Small hairs stimulated by vibrations and movement of fluid. Cochlea nerve to brain.

13 Equilibrium Inner ear Semicircular canals In 3 different planes Fluid filled, small hairs, Fluid moves with movement of the head.

14 Lateral line system fish Mechano receptors along sides. Detect low frequency waves like inner ear.

15 Vision Invertebrated have some kind of light – detecting organs Vertebrate eye: Cornea, iris, pupil Lens (focus light), ciliary body(pull on lens) Retina: image formed (rods-black and whited and cones-color Optic nerve


17 Animal skeleton Hydrostatic skeleton: fluid held under pressure in a closed body compartment Animals control their form and movement by using muscles to deform this compartment  Cnidarians, flatwarms, nematodes, annelids Exoskeleton:  Shell, mollusks: calcium carbonate  Arthropods: cuticle, chitin Endoskeleton  bones

18 Muscles Skeletal: conscious control. Brain to mm contraction Smooth: peristalsis Cardiac: desmosomes Thin filament: actin Thick filament: myosin Sacromere Sliding filament model Sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca++

19 Muscle Hormone control of Calcium concentration in blood Why need Ca in blood:  Blood clotting  Muscle contraction Control Ca in and out of bones  PTH: parathyroid hormone: stim osteoclasts get calcium from bones  Calcitonin: stim osteoblasts to build up bone

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