Read, Write, Count a campaign to provide advice and materials to families to help raise attainment for all and to close the attainment gap

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2 Read, Write, Count a campaign to provide advice and materials to families to help raise attainment for all and to close the attainment gap

3 The gap: literacy “With regard to vocabulary ability at age five, 20% of the children in the highest income quintile had below average ability, compared to 54% in the lowest income quintile.” Tackling Inequalities in the Early Years: Key messages from 10 years of the Growing Up in Scotland study (2015)

4 The gap: numeracy “The correlation between poor numeracy and disadvantage is even stronger than the link with illiteracy […] being hopeless at maths should no longer be a boast.” The Herald (3 May 2013)

5 Parental involvement matters “Family engagement in school has a bigger influence on a pupil’s achievement than socio-economic background, parents’ education level, family structure and ethnicity.” Engaging with Families, review of research “Parental involvement has a positive effect on children’s achievement even when the influence of background factors such as social class and family size have been taken into account.” UK Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008) “A rich home learning environment can improve cognitive development for all children, regardless of their socio- economic background” Tackling Inequalities in the Early Years: Key messages from 10 years of the Growing Up in Scotland study (2015)

6 Read, Write, Count background RWC builds on similar programmes in the Early Years, such as Bookbug and PlayTalkRead Research shows the attainment gap can be narrowed by supporting parental engagement in learning, across all socio-economic groups The focus is on family engagement – outwith formal schooling Build a stronger bridge between home and school

7 Read, Write, Count aims to Help parents and carers to be confident enough to be involved in their child’s learning Help parents and carers to understand why they are important in their child’s learning and how to get involved Increase people’s use of their local library Help to close the attainment gap between the most and least advantaged children in Scotland

8 Read, Write, Count elements (1) Social marketing – website, advertising, social media, PR, working with partners (public / private / third sector) o Focuses on giving advice on little ways to include learning in everyday life, for example, counting out money at the shops, reading bedtime stories and writing shopping lists o Emphasis is on idea that small things make a big difference Libraries – promoting libraries as a space for family learning and encouraging membership

9 Read, Write, Count elements (2) Gifting – free bag of books and materials to P1, P2 and P3 children o P1 bag builds on Bookbug P1 Family Bag o P2 and P3 bags are brand-new RWC bags o Focus on supporting parents to use the bags to get involved with their child’s learning

10 Read, Write, Count gift bags Free gift bags to all Primary 1, 2 and 3 children in Scotland Delivered to schools in Sept/Oct/Nov 2016 Containing books and materials for writing and counting With information for parents and carers on how to use the bags with their children Resources and activities designed to be age- and stage- appropriate and fun

11 Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag Still centres around Bookbug Picture Book Prize (was Scottish Children’s Book Awards) As normal but with RWC elements added to bags: o Three picture books o Voting slip o Activity book o Coloured pencils o Magnetic whiteboard, magnetic numbers and whiteboard pen Delivered separately from P2 and P3 RWC bags

12 Primary 2 Bag Two picture books Snakes and Ladders board game Finger puppets Notebook, writing pencil and coloured pencils Guide for parents

13 Primary 3 Bags Two picture books Number playing cards Notebook, writing pencil and coloured pencils Information booklet for parents

14 Gifting Read, Write, Count Bags Children are entitled to their Read, Write, Count Bags Focus is on parental engagement Bags should be gifted during Book Week Scotland in November (the same as P1)

15 Discussion 1.What can you do in your school/local authority to help Read, Write, Count achieve its aims? 2.How can you use the bags to engage with parents? 3.How will you gift the bags to children and parents?

16 Thank you

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