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Abortion It is expulsion of the fetus from the uterus before 20 weeks of gestation. It is used by old civilizations to control population growth. Early.

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Presentation on theme: "Abortion It is expulsion of the fetus from the uterus before 20 weeks of gestation. It is used by old civilizations to control population growth. Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abortion It is expulsion of the fetus from the uterus before 20 weeks of gestation. It is used by old civilizations to control population growth. Early Christians and Jewish highly valued the human life so they prohibit abortion and put the rules to defense them. Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage occurs naturally, induced or therapeutic abortion is matter of doubt Some signs to determine the fetus life as movements and heart beat. It is a matter of doubts about abortion in courts and laws 1

2 Ethical concerns regarding abortion.. Conflicts and doubt and disagreement whether the fetus is human being or not. This fetus has the rights as other human beings. Uncertainty of the duration of the fetus which can alive after being outside the mother's uterus (20-28 weeks). Anew technology and life support equipment give the fetus the opportunity to survive more than before. 2

3 Conflict between the rights of the mother to control over her body, the rights of the fetus to live and the rights of the father and the community. Examination of nurse view point about abortion, different of personal values regarding the care with the aborted patients (whether to share or refuse). 3

4 In vitro fertilization It is perform by taking the ovum of the mother and fertilizes it outside the body with a sperm and then return it to the uterus after 10-14 days. It may be homogenous by using the husband sperm or heterogeneous by using the donor sperms. The first in vitro fertilization occurs in 1978 successfully. 4

5 Ethical Concern Conflicts between the rights of the patient, the family, society, doctor and nurses and others Examination of the nurses point view or position. Abuse of the procedure. The potentiality of congenital defects. Opposition of the nurse. 5

6 Surrogate motherhood It is that the woman gives birth after carrying of fertile ovum of another woman or another father sperm. The main causes of this are, woman age, inability of the woman to get pregnant and some health risks. 6

7 Ethical concerns Conflicting rights of surrogate mother,couples,fetus and society. Inadequate laws to resolve ethical and legal difficulties and questions. Parental rights of surrogate mother. High cost of surrogate fees range form 50000 -150000 US $. Some persons considered it as infant selling. Difficult to determined the legal father. The responsibility of the infant care. Federal and state laws based on ethical principals are needed. Examine the nurses point view about surrogate and be aware of ethical pitfalls 7

8 Organ transplantation 8 It is generally acceptable and widely practiced. It is removal of organs or tissues from one person to implement in another one, includes: kidney, heart, lung, liver, pancreas, cornea.. etc It is restricted by the availability of the donors. Autograft, removal of part of body and implemented in the same body of the same person.

9 Homograft, is transplantation of organ from one person to another from the same species. Living donor and homograft: used generally among relative sibling or twins. Cadaver donor: transplantation from deceased person. The use of immunosuppressant agents and advanced technology lead to increase survival and successful of organ transplantation. 9

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