格桑花开,魅力雪域 组员 : 杜伟嘉 威利斯 戴奇乐 格桑多吉 2016-6-131 Brief video introduction Geography overview Tibet custom Religion Tibet food Travail in Tibet 2016-6-132.

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Presentation on theme: "格桑花开,魅力雪域 组员 : 杜伟嘉 威利斯 戴奇乐 格桑多吉 2016-6-131 Brief video introduction Geography overview Tibet custom Religion Tibet food Travail in Tibet 2016-6-132."— Presentation transcript:


2 格桑花开,魅力雪域 组员 : 杜伟嘉 威利斯 戴奇乐 格桑多吉 2016-6-131

3 Brief video introduction Geography overview Tibet custom Religion Tibet food Travail in Tibet 2016-6-132

4 Brief introduction 2016-6-133

5 Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Tibet is known as "Roof of the World". Its capital city is Lhasa. geography overview 2016-6-13 4

6 The Tibetan tradition clothing most basic characteristic is the fat waist, the long sleeve, the long skirt 2016-6-135

7 the main religion in tibet is Lamaism 2016-6-136

8 religious practice of lamalism Prayer Wheel a kind of ceremony 2016-6-137

9 dealing with death----sky burial (天葬) 2016-6-138

10 they think in this way they can reborn. take the dead to a certain place and let the vulture eat it. 2016-6-139

11 food in tibet The staple food includes roasted highland barley flour, wheat flour, meat, or red food, and milk, or white food. The flavor of the Tibetan food is fresh, light, and tender. Salt, onion, and garlic are the main ingredients 2016-6-1310

12 2016-6-1311

13 Tibet tea: The Buttered Tea It is the favorite drink of Tibetan people. It is made of boiled brick tea and ghee. Cezhoi Tea House: Brewing sweetened tea: 2016-6-1312

14 Tibet ghee: Tibetan people put some ghee to their food: Tibet way to refine ghees: 2016-6-1313

15 Tibet tsamba: Tsamba serves as a major snack in Tibet and is eaten by the locals every day. It is made of parched flour which comes from dried and fried highland barley. 2016-6-1314

16 Tibet beef and mutton Tibet plateau green meat: Tibetans will cut beef: 2016-6-1315

17 Tibetan yak beef popular in Tibet: 2016-6-1316

18 Mutton in Tibet: 2016-6-1317

19 Restaurants where we can eat delicious food in tibet Makye Ame Restaurant: Yak Thukpa: 2016-6-1318

20 Crazy Yak Saloon These are some of the delicious food in Crazy Yak Saloon: And other restaurants like Ethnic Restaurant, The Yak Hotel, The New Mandalais, etc are also good places to go. 2016-6-1319

21 RED House WHITE House The Potala is divided into two sections--an outer section, the White Palace, and an inner section, the Red Palace The Potala Palace 2016-6-1320

22 The White Palace consists of offices,dormitories, a Buddhist official seminary and a printing house. 2016-6-1321

23 The Red Palace was constructed after the death of the Fifth Dalai Lama. The center of the complicated Red Palace is the Great West Hall, which records the Great Fifth Dalai Lama's life by its fine murals. 2016-6-1322

24 Jokhang Templ 大昭寺 Jokhang Temple, located on Barkhor Square in Lhasa, is Tibet's first Buddhist temple and is part of the Potala Palace. It is the ultimate pilgrimage destination for Tibetan pilgrims. 2016-6-1323

25 Everest is the highest mountain on Earth , 8848.13m ( as measured from sea level )。 Snow-capped mountains , azure sky , golden rays of sunshine , the pure and mysterious aura of Tibet has excited the imagination of so many people of the world 。 The summit ridge of the mountain marks the border between Nepal and Tibet. Everest 2016-6-1324

26 As the supreme point of the world, the mountain top is covered with snow all the year round, and when the glaring sun comes out, the peak becomes very pure and beautiful. 2016-6-1325

27 The Nam-co ( 纳木错 ) Namtso, or Lake Nam, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region and should not be missed by any traveler to Tibet. In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake." It is famous for its high altitude and imposing scenery. 2016-6-1326

28 Prayer flags: Yak is a kind of important livestocks of Nam-co. 2016-6-1327

29 The usher of Nam-co. 迎宾石 Praying 2016-6-1328

30 Thank you for your watching! Welcome to Tibet ! Info : http://www.tibetcn.com/ mailto: tibettrip@xx.com 2016-6-1329

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