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Year 1 2015 Welcome Mr Lyons and Mrs O’Mahony. Year 1 timetable.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 2015 Welcome Mr Lyons and Mrs O’Mahony. Year 1 timetable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 2015 Welcome Mr Lyons and Mrs O’Mahony

2 Year 1 timetable

3 Curriculum: - Subjects: English, Maths, Phonics, R.E., Science, Computing, Art and Design, Music, Humanities, P.E. - Some of our topics include: Celebrations Around the World, The Four Seasons, Materials in the Environment and Super Heroes, Super me!

4 Phonics: - Each week the children learn two sounds. The children will have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every morning and a 15 minute lesson every afternoon. - Obb and Bob (Pseudo words.) icOnPluto.html - Phonics Screening Check icOnPluto.html

5 Phonics: - Different phases - Blending and segmenting - Spelling - High Frequency Words tPhonicsOnline/index.html -100-high-frequency-word-lists.html tPhonicsOnline/index.html -100-high-frequency-word-lists.html

6 Phonics Screening Check: In June, the children will be tested on their Phonics knowledge. The children will be asked to sound out 40 words (20 alien words and 20 real words.) Alien words are made up words. These are also known as Pseudo words.

7 Expectations: - Attendance - Punctuality - Uniform - P.E. kit – P.E. days are Monday and Tuesday. - Presentation - Homework - Behaviour

8 P.E.: - P.E. will take place every Monday and Tuesday. - The children will need to bring in a kit, which they will change into on the day. - The children will stay in that kit for the rest of the day and bring their school uniform back in their bags.

9 Homework in Year 1: - Children will receive homework on a Thursday and it needs to be returned by Monday. - They will receive Maths one week and then English the next week. - This will change from January, with the children receiving both English and Maths. - The Maths homework will link to what we have been doing that week, and the English will relate to Phonics/High Frequency words. - From January, the children will start completing mini spelling tests.

10 Break/Lunch: - Children are provided with a piece of fruit at Break time. - The children will receive milk in year 1 but it needs to be paid for online. If anybody is unsure about how to pay, please see Mrs Collis. - Children either bring in a packed lunch or have a free school meal.

11 Our class blog will be updated every Friday. Blog – Will be updated every Friday.

12 School Trips: Autumn – Buddhist Vihara (To be confirmed.) Spring – To be confirmed. Summer – To be confirmed.

13 Autumn Term Trip: Year 1 – The children will start to learn about different faiths during November. We are proposing to take the children to the Buddhist Vihara as part of their learning.


15 Communication - Informal - Formal – through Mrs Collis

16 Date for the diary: Monday 21 st September at 7:00 Parent workshop: Supporting your child’s reading. An outline of different strategies on how best to support your child’s reading development to ensure a love of reading.

17 Questions

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