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Texas and Hard Times Essential Questions: Why do people make economic choices? The 1930s View Video: The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33.

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1 Texas and Hard Times Essential Questions: Why do people make economic choices? The 1930s View Video: The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33

2 http://connected.mcgraw- 15N4V9SMGGPJC6ESTKOE View Video from Textbook: (5:28)

3 Vocabulary Stock Market (Buy/Sell Stocks) – A place for buying and selling stocks, or shares of ownership in a corporation. Black Tuesday (Market Crashed) – The name given to October 29, 1929, when the stock market crashed.

4 Vocabulary Great Depression (Bad Economy) – A time when the economy collapsed worldwide and millions were unemployed

5 Vocabulary Relief (Help/Aid) – Aid to people who are out of work or poor Wildcatter (Oil driller) – An independent oil driller

6 Texas and Hard Times Many Texans were optimistic about the economy. The oil industry was booming, jobs were plentiful, and people were enjoying comfortable lifestyles. Amelia Earhart first took flight Houdini marveled us with magic Charlie Chaplin made us laugh Babe Ruth made us cheer

7 Texas and Hard Times The stock market crash on October 29, 1929, came to be known as Black Tuesday. It helped launch the Great Depression. President Hoover responded to the economic crisis by stating that it was not the federal government’s job to resolve the problem. President Hoover

8 5 Causes of Great Depression Depression.htm?utm_term=causes%20of%20the%20great%20depression&ut m_content=p1-main-2-title&utm_medium=sem- unp&utm_source=&utm_campaign=&ad=dirN&an=&am=&q=causes%20of%2 0the%20great%20depression&o=&qsrc=&l=&askid= (2:30)

9 In December 1930, more than a year after Black Tuesday, Hoover stated his views on how to address the Depression: “Economic depression can not be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement.... There has been a most gratifying degree of response, from governors, mayors, and other public officials, [and] from welfare organizations.... The local communities through their voluntary agencies have assumed the duty of relieving individual distress and are being generously supported by the public.” —Herbert Hoover, State of the Union message President Hoover

10 In this political cartoon, President Herbert Hoover explains his bill aimed at farm relief to a hopeful farmer. What details in the drawing of the farmer show that the cartoonist thinks farmers need help?

11 Texas and Hard Times Columbus Marion "Dad" Joiner, a wildcatter, found an oilfield near Kilgore that caused the price of oil to drop dramatically. This discovery of oil in East Texas led to a drop in oil prices.

12 Texas and Hard Times Oil drillers were told to decrease drilling to prevent prices from dropping further. However, many continued to drill. The term hot oil refers to oil produced in violation of restrictions placed on the industry by the Texas Railroad Commission.

13 An oil worker takes a break from his workday for lunch. The discovery of oil in East Texas set off a new oil boom in the 1930s and provided jobs for many Texans. What impact do you think this discovery had on oil prices? Why?

14 Texas and Hard Times Cotton prices also began to fall, and cotton farmers were encouraged to cut production to prevent a further drop in cotton prices. A landowner weighs the cotton that a worker picked over a period of time. Cotton prices were based on weight. What impact did falling prices have on cotton farmers?

15 Texas and Hard Times Parts of Texas and other neighboring states (the southern Great Plains and western Texas) suffered from extreme dust storms; the region was nicknamed the Dust Bowl. Crops failed, and many farmers lost or abandoned farms.

16 The destruction caused by the Dust Bowl forced many farmers from the southern Plains off their lands. Many left for California, hoping to find work. What routes could Texans leaving the Dust Bowl for California use?

17 The Dust Bowl Mid-1930s – A terrible drought hit Texas and other states in the Great Plains – From 1925-1930, millions of acres of grassland were plowed to grow crops and nothing was left to hold the dry soil in place. – Dust began to blow. Called “Black Blizzards” Destroyed crops, killed animals, damaged eyes and lungs This region of drought and dust storms was called the “Dust Bowl” View the video about U.S. Dust Bowl of 1930's (2:53):

18 Texas and Hard Times In the early years of the Depression, Texans tried to provide relief to those hit hardest. Jobs were scarce, so many farmers, Mexican Americans, and African Americans left Texas in search of work.

19 Texas and Hard Times In the 1930s, more than 200,000 Mexican Americans left Texas for Mexico. During the Great Depression, state government agencies often denied aid to African Americans, prompting them to leave Texas to look for work in cities. View the great video about “Children of the Great Depression” (6:51)

20 Quiz C A 1. The day the stock market crashed, October 29, 1929, came to be known as _____. A. Black Friday B. Crash Thursday C. Black Tuesday D. Depression Day 2. The stock market crash of 1929 helped launch the _____. A. Great Depression B. Great War C. Great Recession D. Great Collapse

21 Quiz B B 3. President Herbert Hoover believed that the _____ should not get involved in helping unemployed people. A. state and local governments B. federal government C. churches D. charities 4. Columbus Marion "Dad" Joiner, a(n) _____, found an oilfield near Kilgore that caused the price of oil to drop dramatically. A.oil baron B.wildcatter C.oil wrangler D. hot oiler

22 Quiz C D 5. Farmers began to produce more _____ to make up for lower prices, but doing so caused the price to drop even further. A. apples B. corn C. cotton D. rice 6. In the 1930s, the southern Great Plains and western Texas were called the _____ because overplanting of wheat, severe drought, and strong windstorms destroyed farms. A. Great American Desert B. Barren Lands C. Depression Zone D. Dust Bowl

23 Quiz A B 7. The destruction caused by the storms in the 1930s caused many farmers to _____. A. leave the area B. plant more crops C. gain land D. raise funds 8. The term _____ refers to oil produced in violation of restrictions placed on the industry by the Texas Railroad Commission. A. bootleg oil B. hot oil C. black gold D. crude oil

24 Quiz D C 9. In the 1930s, more than 200,000 Mexican Americans left Texas for _____. A. the North B. Florida C. California D. Mexico 10. During the Great Depression, state government agencies often denied aid to _____, prompting them to leave Texas to look for work in cities. A. Native Americans B. wildcatters C. African Americans D. women

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