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Section 1512 is contained in the Recovery Act and requires additional reporting to inform the public on how ARRA funds are expended at the local level.

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2 Section 1512 is contained in the Recovery Act and requires additional reporting to inform the public on how ARRA funds are expended at the local level. The following are specific areas that all recipients are required to provide: Who is receiving Recovery Act dollars and what amounts? What projects and activities are being funded? What is project completion status and impact on job creation/retention? 2

3  Section 1512 reporting is IN ADDITION to any other grant/award reporting requirements.  Non-compliance with Section 1512 reports is a violation of the award or grant and could lead to repayment of those amounts.  First report is due by October 10 th.  First report covers the date of award through September 30, 2009.  All subrecipients must have a DUNS number and current CCR registration. 3

4 Washington State requires all PRIME recipients of ARRA funds report required information via – No PRIME recipient has the authority to delegate reporting to a subrecipient – All subrecipients will report required data to OSPI. – OSPI as the PRIME recipient will submit the required reporting data to – OSPI is also required to submit the same data, plus some additional disaggregated data, to OFM on behalf of the Governor’s Office for posting at 4

5 Reporting Form Package in iGrants is launched: – September 30, 2009 Reporting Form Package due back to OSPI: – Close of Business October 5, 2009 OSPI contacts district Superintendent if report has not yet been submitted: – October 6, 2009 OSPI reviews and contacts districts with any questions: – October 6-8, 2009 5

6 District programs required to be reported on: – State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) – Special Education, IDEA, Part B - ARRA – Special Education, Section 619 - ARRA – Title I, Part A (which includes Title I, Part D, Neglected and Delinquent) - ARRA – Homeless Education - ARRA – Title II, Part D (Education Technology) - ARRA – Child Nutrition Equipment Grants - ARRA 6

7 iGrants form package 491 will be used to report all ARRA grant reporting data. OSPI will pre-populate the majority of the required data for your review. Districts will be required to provide data in three main areas, as applicable: – Employee Data – Vendor Data – Infrastructure Data 7

8 For each grant award number assigned, the district must complete a page in the form package (unless noted otherwise in the form package instructions). Again, if an award number has been assigned, you must complete the corresponding page in the reporting form package, even if no expenditures have been claimed. Jobs created/retained could still be applicable. If not, you will still need to report zero’s and sign off on the page as complete. OSPI strongly recommends each district/ESD assign one person to be responsible for coordinating, reporting, and requesting final approval. 8

9  You must report jobs created and/or retained.  Jobs are reported regardless of whether or not expenditures have been claimed.  Jobs are reported for both employees and vendors. 9

10  In general, a job should be reported as created or retained if, and only if, that position would not have existed or been filled in absence of Recovery Act funds. ◦ Jobs do not need to be directly paid for by Recovery Act funds to be reported. 10

11 To the extent possible, information should be collected from vendors in order to generate the most comprehensive and complete job impact numbers possible. There is no dollar threshold for vendor job creation reporting. Example – a district contracts with a vendor to provide speech services and can reasonably estimate the impact to the vendor to be a.5 FTE.

12 Jobs are to be estimated and reported on a quarterly basis. The goal is to estimate full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs. The number of hours worked by the employee is considered in relation to the number of hours normally worked by a full- time employee in that job. The calculation will convert part-time employees into FTE jobs. There is an excel worksheet attached to the form package for your use. 11

13  Districts are required to provide data for each vendor that is paid more than$25,000 per quarter with ARRA funds. Required elements are: ◦ Amount paid ◦ A vendor DUNS number, if available ◦ If DUNS not available, must provide vendor name and zip code + 4 ◦ Description of service or product purchased 12

14 An “Infrastructure Investment” is financial support for a physical asset or structure needed for the operation of a larger enterprise. Therefore, infrastructure investments include support for tangible assets or structures such as roads, public buildings (including schools), mass transit systems, water and sewage systems, communication and utility systems and other assets or structures that provide a reliable flow of products and services essential to the defense and economic security of the United States, the smooth functioning of government at all levels, and society as a whole. 13

15  Sub-recipients are required to supply data regarding infrastructure investments to OSPI.  Infrastructure is only allowable for SFSF and ARRA Special Education Programs at the district level.  Infrastructure Investments require an additional Certification Statement (also referred to as Section 1511) – your individual OSPI program contact will assist you with this requirement, as applicable. 14

16  SFSF ◦ There is a separate page for each fiscal year. This is due to the requirement of having to report at the grant award number level. ◦ For FY08-09 – The reporting period for jobs created/retained is April 1-June 30, 2009.  Title II, D ◦ There is a separate reporting page for each of the corresponding form packages 500 (formula grant), 502 (peer coaching), and 503 (21 st Century Learning). Again, this is due to the requirement of having to report at the grant award number level. Districts will still be able to add additional explanation for the project/activity, if the one provided is insufficient. 15

17 Refer to SFSF iGrants handout 16

18  Due to OSPI December 1, 2009  Not a part of the 1512 Quarterly Reporting  One-time reporting  OSPI will use S-275 data

19 See Related Handout

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