ARC UKBA Practitioner Group Meeting Student Attendance Monitoring at Richmond, The American International University in London 1 Rosemary Royds, Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "ARC UKBA Practitioner Group Meeting Student Attendance Monitoring at Richmond, The American International University in London 1 Rosemary Royds, Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARC UKBA Practitioner Group Meeting Student Attendance Monitoring at Richmond, The American International University in London 1 Rosemary Royds, Academic Registrar Allison Cole-Stutz, Vice President for Student Affairs Richmond, The American International University in London 03 May 2013

2 In the old days..... 2

3 Supporting policies Attendance Policy Students must attend all courses for which they are registered. Students who accumulate more than the permitted number of absences in any course receive an attendance failure (grade of F). Courses that meet twice a week, no more than four absences Courses that meet once a week, no more than two absences Six-week Summer Semester with intensive teaching, no more than two absences Lateness to Classes Policy Attendance taken in first 10 minutes (1 hour 20 min sessions) Recorded as absent if arrive after 20 minutes Requirements for the award of credit 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 Each student has a drop-down menu with 5 attendance options. 7

8 To take attendance, click on the date of your class in DAILY ATTENDANCE. 8

9 Charts each student’s attendance status. Note the 1 Excused Absence, 1 Unexcused Absence, and 1 Excused Tardiness this single class attendance session. 9

10 Dropdown menus allow an overall attendance status for a student to be assigned and can be used to issue a warning letter or failure notice 10

11 You also have the option to download the Attendance Register at any point in the semester. 11

12 Attendance issues identified.........Now what? 12

13 Tracking Students Down -University email/ portal -Residence Hall staff -ID tracking -Mobile phone/ personal email -Facebook/ Twitter -Friend-network -Work -Family if necessary 13

14 Making Contact with Students -Welfare concerns -Further explain constraints of the student visa -Academic Progress -Ways of getting back on track: meet with academic advisor/ tutors attend weekly workshops access a peer tutor personal counselling time management 14

15 Follow up & Tracking Progress -Student Affairs -Academic Advising -Academic Progress Committee use of support services (tutoring, workshops, etc) disciplinary infractions of the Student Conduct Code personal issues/ concerns financial difficulties other A snap shot of the WHOLE student and his/her experience 15

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