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Act I.   The witches plan to meet with Macbeth:  “Fair is foul...” the line between good and evil Act I, scene i.

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Presentation on theme: "Act I.   The witches plan to meet with Macbeth:  “Fair is foul...” the line between good and evil Act I, scene i."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act I

2   The witches plan to meet with Macbeth:  “Fair is foul...” the line between good and evil Act I, scene i

3   Macbeth fought bravely against the traitors of the king  He gains the additional title of “Thane of Cawdor” Act I, scene ii

4  Act I, scene iii  (p. 9)The witches address Macbeth as: 1.Thane of Glamis 2.Thane of Cawdor 3.King hereafter- Is this a prophetic statement?  The witches tell Banquo he is lesser than Macbeth, but he is greater  Banquo will never be king, but he “begets kings”

5   (p. 14) Duncan says that it is difficult to see what people are thinking by looking at their faces  Duncan names Macolm his heir  Macbeth recognizes that he will either have to give up hope of being king or remove Malcolm from his way  Everyone leaves for Inverness, Macbeth’s home Act I, scene iv

6   (p. 16) “Who wears the pants?”  Lady Macbeth reads a letter from Macbeth and in it he vows he will become king  She fears that Macbeth is too kind to do what it would require to become the king, but she says she will make him do it anyway  “Look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” Act I, scene v


8   Duncan arrives at Inverness and finds it pleasant and peaceful (ironic)  Lady Macbeth “looks like the innocent flower” when she welcomes Duncan- she calls it an honor Act I, scene vi

9   Plotting to murder the king  “If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well it done quickly” I.vii.1-28  Macbeth contemplates killing Duncan- he says if success were guaranteed, he would kill Duncan and ignore the external consequences  He gives these reasons for why he should not kill King Duncan:  He is family and he has sworn loyalty to him as the king(line 13)  Duncan is his guest and Macbeth should protect him from murderers (15)  Duncan has been a good king (18) Act I, scene vii

10   Macbeth decides not go through with and Lady Macbeth chastises him- she say’s he is not really a man because he has no courage  Lady Macbeth tells him to plan the murder:  Get the servants drunk  Kill Duncan in his sleep  Blame the servants Act I, scene vii

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