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Explain what Christians learn about Jesus from the story of his baptism. (3mks) Jesus is the Son of God / the voice proves that Jesus is the Son of God.

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Presentation on theme: "Explain what Christians learn about Jesus from the story of his baptism. (3mks) Jesus is the Son of God / the voice proves that Jesus is the Son of God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain what Christians learn about Jesus from the story of his baptism. (3mks) Jesus is the Son of God / the voice proves that Jesus is the Son of God / the dove is an indicator of the Holy Spirit / the Holy Spirit is with him / he is beginning his ministry publically / the water is a sign of cleanliness / the water indicates the power of God in history and Jesus is part of this / Jesus had authority.

2 After his baptism, Jesus went out into the desert to be tested. Here are some of the characters you will meet in the story. Who are they? Why did Jesus go out to be tempted?

3 Jesus’ Temptation To know & understand Mark’s account of Jesus’ temptation To explain the importance of Jesus’ temptation for Jesus and for Christians 12 At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, where he stayed forty days, being tempted by Satan. Wild animals were there also, but angels came and helped him. 1.Write out the story. 2.Underline key words or phrases in the text, that may be symbolic. **How is it different from other versions of Jesus’ temptation that you may have heard?

4 The wilderness “Driven” out 40 days The wild animals Angels The Key Words What do they tell us? 1.Match the meanings on your cards to explain the different parts of the story. 2.From your understanding of the story, explain what is really happening (why is it a spiritual battle, the 40 days, the difficulty of it) **Why did Jesus need to face this period of testing before starting his mission?

5 God’s help and support A difficult struggle A spiritual struggle A time of testing Fierce wild animals surround Jesus The Spirit drives Jesus out into the desert, to do battle Jews wandered in the desert. Moses time to get the Law. God sends angels to look after Jesus How are the following ideas suggested in Mark’s account of Jesus’ temptation?

6 What do the Temptations tell us about Jesus ? Jesus has power to defeat evil Jesus must be the divine Son of God, or he could not defeat evil Jesus knows he can defeat evil, and he is now ready to start his ministry Jesus did not need to be tested, because he was the Son of God. Do you agree? 6mks Think about” why being tempted did matter to Jesus why it would be a useful example to us as well why it might not have been necessary

7 3 things you learnt about Jesus’ temptations today.

8 It is harder for Christians to resist temptation than it was for Jesus.’ 6mks Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to Mark’s Gospel in your answer. ‘ Agree Temptation is a human experience / it does not depend on time factors / if people are tempted by what is around them then they will be / resisting temptation is a way of life and fits with the society people live in / there were just as many temptations in the past / they were different but still temptations / self-discipline is what is important. Other views Jesus was the Son of God / he was ministered to by angels / life was less complex in the past / the temptations at the beginning of the Gospel of Mark are not indicated / later he was tempted by Peter suggesting that he should not die but Jesus could put this aside / there was less materialism / there is more to tempt people these days / technology and materialism have made it more difficult / advertising does not help. (6 marks) AO2

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