Family Medicine’s Place in the Broader Global Health Conversation: A SWOT Analysis AAFP Global Workshop, September, 2014 Omar Khan Ranit Mishori Paul Hening.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Medicine’s Place in the Broader Global Health Conversation: A SWOT Analysis AAFP Global Workshop, September, 2014 Omar Khan Ranit Mishori Paul Hening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Medicine’s Place in the Broader Global Health Conversation: A SWOT Analysis AAFP Global Workshop, September, 2014 Omar Khan Ranit Mishori Paul Hening Will Perez Sam Matheny Jessica Evert Jeff Hall Jeff Markuns Olga Valdman

2 2 Activity Disclaimer ACTIVITY DISCLAIMER It is the policy of the AAFP that all individuals in a position to control content disclose any relationships with commercial interests upon nomination/invitation of participation. Disclosure documents are reviewed for potential conflicts of interest (COI), and if identified, conflicts are resolved prior to confirmation of participation. Only those participants who had no conflict of interest or who agreed to an identified resolution process prior to their participation were involved in this CME activity. All facilitators have indicated they have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

3 Objectives What the heck is a SWOT analysis? What is the “broader global health conversation”? Small Group Break-Out: SWOT Reporting back Action Items

4 SWOT Analysis Strengths: characteristics of Family Medicine that give it an advantage over others. Weaknesses: characteristics of Family Medicine that place it at a disadvantage relative to others Opportunities: elements of “Global Health” that Family Medicine could exploit to its advantage Threats: elements in the environment/”Global Health” that could cause trouble for Family Medicine 4

5 Broader Conversations in Global Health International organizations –WHO –USAID –Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) –International AIDS Society (IAS) –World Medical Association (WMA) –Global Health Council (GHC) –Network TUFH Funders - Gates Foundation - Fogerty/NIH National –ASTMH –APHA Regional/Local –Universities –Service societies

6 Consortium of Universities in Global Health

7 Background Established in 2008, initial startup funding from Gates and Rockefeller Institutional membership, mainly academic institutions Successor to Global Health Educational Consortium is the Educational Committee of CUGH

8 Mission Collaboration development across education, research, and service. Over 130 member institutions. Dedicated to creating equity, reducing health disparities, particularly in low-income settings Promotion of mutually beneficial partnerships to strengthen human capital and institutional capabilities Committed to translating knowledge into action

9 CUGH EDUCATION COMMITTEE Sub-Committee on Educational Products –Subsumes most of activity of former GHEC –Develop and update of new educational products –Review and list global health textbooks Trainee Advisory Committee Sub-Committee on Competencies—develop interprofessional educational competencies Support/advocate for education mission of CUGH

10 CUGH EDUCATION COMMITTEE GH Advisory Service—goal to provide consultation in starting global health programs Support of special interest list serves—oral health, nursing, program directors? Workforce

11 OPPORTUNITIES 1. Utilize student interest in global health at national meetings to promote role of family medicine 2. Develop leadership in global primary health care for family medicine through presentations, educational products, and educational events 3. Encourage participation with global partners

12 Break Out into 4 Groups Family Medicine & the Broader Global Health Conversation Strengths: characteristics of Family Medicine that give it an advantage over others. Weaknesses: characteristics of Family Medicine that place it at a disadvantage relative to others Opportunities: elements of “Global Health” that Family Medicine could exploit to its advantage Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble or be a hurdle for Family Medicine 12

13 Reporting Back Opportunities Strengths Weaknesses Threats Action items *Please sign up if interested in CUGH Primary Care Interest Group Sign up 13

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