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Vital Signs Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood Pressure

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Presentation on theme: "Vital Signs Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood Pressure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vital Signs Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood Pressure
O2 Saturation Pain

2 Vital Signs: Temperature (cont.)
Normal adult temperature range 97.8 to 99.1°F 36.5 to 37.2°C Tympanic Oral Temperature Routes Febrile- above normal range Afebrile- normal body temperature Rectal Axillary Temporal

3 Vital Signs: Blood Pressure
The force at which blood is pumped against the walls of the arteries (mmHg) Systolic Pressure Contraction of left ventricle Top or first number 90 to 120 Diastolic Pressure Heart at rest Bottom or second number

4 Vital Signs: Blood Pressure
Sphygmomanometer- equipment used to measure blood pressure Hypotension- low blood pressure shock, heart failure, burns, excessive bleeding Hypertension- high blood pressure major contributor to heart attacks and strokes

5 Vital Signs: Pulse Pulse Rate – number of times the heart beats in 1 minute Normal Range beats per minutes Pulse Rhythm- regular/irregular Pulse Volume- strong, weak, thready, or bounding Terms -tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia

6 Vital Signs : Pulse 2. femoral 3. popliteal 4. dorsalis pedis
Common sites of measurements 1. radial artery 2. carotid artery 3. apical artery 4. brachial artery Less common sites 1. temporal 2. femoral 3. popliteal 4. dorsalis pedis

7 Vital Signs: Respiration
Respiration Rate – number of times a patient breaths in 1 minute One breath = one inhalation and one exhalation Normal Range breaths per minute Respiration Rhythm- regular, irregular Effort (quality)- deep, shallow, labored, difficult Terms- hyperventilation, dyspnea, tachypnea, apnea, rales, Cheyene-stokes

8 Vital Signs: Pulse and Respiration
Linkage Circulatory Pulse Respiratory Respirations Pulse and respirations are related because the heart and lungs work together. Normally, an increase or decrease in one causes the same effect on the other. Ratio of pulse to respirations is 4:1

9 Vital Signs: Pulse Oximetry and Pain
Pulse oximeter- instrument to measure the oxygen saturation of a patient’s blood. Normal range % Pain scale- measures a patient’s pain intensity.

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