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MARIA CUNNIFFE Engineering Design Lesson Plan Debrief.

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Presentation on theme: "MARIA CUNNIFFE Engineering Design Lesson Plan Debrief."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARIA CUNNIFFE Engineering Design Lesson Plan Debrief

2 Industry Initiatives for Science & Math Education (IISME) IISME in a nonprofit organization that provides university and industry partners with teacher workers for an 8 week summer fellowship The goal is to provide teachers with real world science and engineering experiences in order to better inform their classroom teaching

3 Fellowship Outcomes IISME fellows are expected to:  Design a lesson plan or professional development session linking their summer research experience to state content area standards  This is known as the Education Transfer Plan (ETP) and is graded on a rubric scale by IISME to ensure a strong connection to content area standards and 21 st century skills  Implement their plans at their school sites In addition, IISME maintains a public website with all past fellow educational transfer plans (ETPs) for all educators to access and use at their school sites

4 Classroom-Based Goals How can engineering education increase my students’ standardized test scores on Content Area Standard 1: Experimentation & Data Analysis? How can engineering education help to improve student engagement in science class/study and their overall attitude toward the sciences in general?

5 Professional Development Goals How closely aligned are the general educational values I transmit to my students to the values of institutions of higher education?  Work habits  Quality work product expectations  Problem-solving and analysis What aspect of education do I want to specifically focus on in this next phase of my career? What are my next steps as a professional educator?

6 Potential Classroom Connections Specific content area objectives  Diffusion  Conceptualization of the micro- and macroscale in relation to biological systems  The many variables involved in experimental design  Temperature  Pressure  Density  Velocity  Physical and chemical interactions The engineering design process  The optimization/reiteration of proposed designs  Communication  Collaboration  Creativity  Applications of science and their connection to the everyday lives of students  Increased motivation  Increased interest and engagement

7 General Principles of Engineering Education (EE) 1. EE should emphasize engineering design approach to identifying and solving problems. This process is:  Open ended, with many possible solutions  Highly iterative  A stimulus to systems thinking, modeling, & analysis 2. EE should promote the Engineering Habits of Mind (EHoM) 3. EE should incorporate appropriate levels of math, science and technology skills. From the National Academy of Engineering 2009 Report: The Bridge: Linking Engineering and Society

8 The Engineering Habits of Mind Systems Thinking CreativityOptimism Ethical Considerations Communication & Collaboration

9 Engineering Design Framework Conceptualize Design Apply Create Design Evaluate Outcome Generalize Reasons Test Revisions Analyze Results Generalize Results

10 The Microfluidics Lesson Engineering Concept Introduction Days 1 & 2 Engineering survey Bioengineering presentation Microfluidics introduction Chip Fabrication, Factors to Consider Days 3 & 4 Concept synthesis and Q & A from Days 1/2 Standard chip fabrication method introduction Fluid dynamics concepts/activities Chip Redesign, Testing, & Wrap Up Days 5-8 Microfluidic chip classroom design brainstorming Fabrication and redesign/revision Chip utilization Follow up engineering survey and feedback form

11 Evaluation Tools Engineering Design Notebooks (EDNs)  Documentation of chip design process  Note taking section for bioengineering and microfluidics presentations  pre-and post-lesson engineering surveys included Bioengineering Unit Reflection Sheets  Provided students an opportunity to reflect upon the ED process and our unit as a whole  Ungraded and anonymous format allowed students to include comments for future lesson plan development and improvement

12 Teacher Reflection Content Connection Communication Content Area Standard 1 Engineering design process Personal connection Career connection College connection Metacognitive skills Effective Collaboration Presentation Skills

13 Potential improvements and extensions In my next implementation, I plan to:  Include more quantitative mini-experiments/activities to discuss general fluid dynamics concepts prior to chip fabrication and use  Create a more substantive use for the chips that students successfully create  Follow my original ETP more closely to include opportunities for group/individual research into uses of microfluidic chips  Follow my original ETP to include a formal student group presentation of their design process and experimental results. Bioengineering in the High School Classroom ETP

14 Engineering Education: Next Steps Lead PD session for other teachers interested in my pilot EE lesson  PD is my current ETP proposal for summer 2012 Brainstorm to create EE lessons in each major content standard area  Cell Biology  Genetics  Ecology  Evolution  Physiology STEM  STEAM: Further explore connections between the EHoM and the Studio Habits of Mind, the framework artists use in order to create and analyze art to:  Create complex interdisciplinary connections  Increase student analytical, problem solving, and communication skills


16 References

17 Supplemental Information

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