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Your Ideas, your initiative - 2016 “QUICK AND EFFICIENT HELP - S.O.S”

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Presentation on theme: "Your Ideas, your initiative - 2016 “QUICK AND EFFICIENT HELP - S.O.S”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Ideas, your initiative - 2016 “QUICK AND EFFICIENT HELP - S.O.S”

2 Challenge A challenge has been launched by RENAULT company with the purpose of creating something innovative in order to contribute to mobility and traffic safety. The company has invited schools from the whole world to take part at the project. Colégio SESI Campo Mourão was one of those schools invited to participate, involving with students, pedagogical team and school teachers. They must contribute to community to improve traffic mobility, implementing a innovative iniciative. The winner will be the group that best answer the a real necessity or expectation and will certainly make a difference where it functions.

3 Criteria: Identify the community problem; Approach relevance; Habillity to convey the message; Creativity; Impact e participation.

4 Problem  Traffic accidents have been the world’s greatest reason for non natural deaths;  These figures have decreased in developed countries due to preventions measures;  The fear of aggression on streets is also constant, bringing a feeling of insecurity;  The Quick and Efficient Help - S.O.S has been created in order to change this background of deaths and unsafety on streets.

5 Quick and Efficient Help - S.O.S  App e device developed to make the access to emergency calls when the citizen is at risk;  It contains a variety of first aid to several situations;  It can be operated by anyone who is in danger or facing a situation in which it is necessary to call help (Police/SAMU/Firefighters;  The efficiency of this device is to operate in a really fast way any of those services without any kiind of officialism, just pushing a button and choosing which service is bing needed;

6 QUICK AND EFFICIENT HELP – S.O.S Gadget  Multifunction emergency button, set according to the situation (robbery, fire, accident);  Placed at shops located at areas in which accidents/violence happen more frequently;  Special app for cell phone, tablet ou notebook;  Shops that get the device will have a discount at municipal taxes.

7 Composition  Button: Round format; Measures: diameter of 8 cm thickness of 3 cm; Dividided in three sections of 120° each. Each section presents colors, illustrations e informative messages ranging according to its function; The functions are: fire, theft and accident. Its colors are red, white and green, respectively; Characteristics similar to the app.

8 Gadget

9 How to use  Around the button there wil be a plastic protection with the security lock. 1st - Unlock the security lock and lift it; 2nd – Push the button that selects the required service ; 3rd - Down the security lock and wait.

10 QUICK AND EFFICIENT HELP – S.O.S App  App with the purpose of facilitate and accelerate a call for help;  Available to Android System;  It contains: - Three call buttons ( SAMU, Firefighters, Police ); - First Aid Tips;  Free.

11 Survey  A survey was held, in which ninety respondends participated;  Questions about usefulness and benefits to society with the creation of the gadget and app;  It was performed in the cities of Campo Mourão, Peabiru, Araruna, Engenheiro Beltrão e Janiópolis in the State of Paraná, Brasil.

12 Survey It has been reported that it took more than 15 minutes to Official Help (Police, SAMU or Firefighters) to arrive and no help was provided in 79% of cases.

13 Survey From all the respondents, 49% would have difficulty or wouldn’t make it to ask for help without using the gadget or app.

14 Survey 98% of the respondents would like to access the app or gadget due to its convenience.

15 Survey All the respondents stated that they would get a gadget to help in Street safety


17 Officials: Video

18 Marketing  The marketing work makes a difference in the society as it provides changes; this way, advertising is to share information;  QUICK AND EFFICIENT HELP – S.O.S enphasizes public security and e certainly provides general concern;  Social network such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which get millions of users will be used as marketing tools.


20 Referências: brasil-tem-piora-nos-indices/ publica de-prevencao 3.pdf

21 Email: Geislana or Márcia tel: (44) 3518-5750

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