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Turtle and Tortoises Did you know turtles eat jellyfish?

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1 Turtle and Tortoises Did you know turtles eat jellyfish?

2 Physical Characteristics A musk turtles can give a sense of smell when they are scared by predators and that’s why some people call them stink spots. A lot of turtles can camouflage from where they live but predators and prey cant. Turtles have amazing shells they have so many patterns usually the colers are dull green, black, or brown.

3 Habitat The green sea turtles live in cold water. Tortises live in lakes, ponds, and rivers. Sea turtles live in the ocean.

4 Adaptations Teardrop shape shell leatherback helps dive 3,000 feet and 194 meters. Typical turtles have 54 scutes and 38 carapace. Turtles have thick fat to help travel in cold water.

5 food Tortoises eat plants, fruits, or dead animals. But also insects, worms, snails, and small animals. Snapping turtles eat what ever they can catch.

6 Their young Turtles ley up to 200 eggs. The moms leave the babys right after she lays them. Turtles sometimes get eaten by birds when they are born.

7 Interesting Facts The leather back can dive more then 1,000 feet deep. Tortoises can eat most fruit, leaves, and most dead animals.

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