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Earth’s Movement & The Moon “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

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2 Earth’s Movement & The Moon “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

3 A. How Earth Moves 1. Rotation 2. Revolution -Earth turning on its axis (once every 24 hrs.) -earth moving around the sun (once every year.) a. earth’s path is called an orbit.

4 B. Seasons Draw the diagram below: Equinox Solstice

5 C. Gravity 1. Gravity a. Mass b. distance - Force that attracts all objects toward each other - More mass = stronger force - Increase the distance between objects = weaker force

6 2. Phases of the Moon- phase is the shape of the moon by the light a. New moon- completely dark b. Full moon- fully lit c. Waxing- getting fuller/lighter (follows new moon) d. Waning- getting darker (follows full moon) GibbousQuarter Crescent

7 Lunar Exploration  Distance  The moon is 386,000 km from earth.  For over 300 years the only way to study the moon was how?? ___________.  Pioneer  Ranger  Surveyor  Mercury and Gemini  Apollo

8 The Moon and Its Properties  Diameter  Density  Mass  Gravity  3476km  3.3g/cm3 < Earth  1/8 that of the Earth  1/6 of the earth. Means it is easier to launch a spacecraft.

9 Structure of the Moon  Seismometers  Show moonquakes. Very few and very week  Helped scientists to develop a Model of the moons interior.

10  Moon’s Movements  The moon turns once on its axis in the same time period it orbits once around the Earth.  So the same side of the moon always faces the Earth.  We only see the front side of the moon

11  Appearance  Light areas  Dark areas  Light and Dark areas.  Are lunar Highlands.  Great Basins and flat plains named Maria. latin word for sea.  Galileo thought they were filled with water.

12  Shape  Moon is not a perfect sphere.  Slightly egg shaped.  The smaller end of the moon is pointed towards the Earth. Earth

13  Origin and History of the moon  Formed 4.6 Billion years ago from a collision between earth and a mars-sized object  Great showers of rock like particles bombarded the moons surface. Created large and small basins.  Hot Lava poured out and formed the Maria.

14  Micro Meteorites  Lunar Rocks  Tiny objects no larger than a grain of sand.  Major cause of erosion on the moon.  All earths rocks differ from lunar rocks  Contain no water.  Mare basalts are the youngest lunar rocks.  Oldest would be the lunar Highlands.  Original lunar surface

15 Moons Phases  Phases of the Moon  Daily changes in the moon's appearance. Moon phases occur for two reasons.  One is that the moon is seen by reflected sunlight.  Two the moon is in orbit around the Earth.


17  Important  The sun lights the half of the moon that is facing it. However, except for a short time each month, the half that always faces Earth is not the half lit by the sun.  The following is a chart showing the different phases of the moon seen from earth.

18 From Earth, the face of the moon changes from all dark to all light or from new moon to full moon in about two weeks. During this time the moon is said to be WAXING or getting brighter and larger. After the full moon phase the moon will apear to start to shrink or less of the moon’s surface is visible after each night. During this time until there is no moon visible the moon is said to be WANING

19 New moon Waxing Crescent Waxing quarter Waxing gibbous Full Moon Waning Gibbous Waning quarter Waning Crescent

20 Label either waning or waxing.  Video: Phases of the moon – TZlks TZlks

21 Lunar Month  Lunar month  The time from one new moon to the next new moon. Or one revolution around the earth.  Curiously this time is not always the same.  One revolution around the earth takes 27.3 days and one lunar month is 29.5 days.

22 Lunar Eclipses  Shadows  Umbra  Penumbra  Are cast by any opaque object.  Has two parts.  Is the total shadow  Is the partial shadow surrounding the umbra.

23 Solar Eclipses  Occur when the umbra reaches earth’s surface  Greatest width is 269 km  Sun’s corona and chromo sphere are visible

24 Annular Eclipse  Occurs when the moon is at the apogee (furthest point from Earth)  See Sun as a thin ring  Only occur during a new moon  Last ~7.5 minutes

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