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Increased student enrollment Enrollment in 2010 was 358 students. Enrollment in 2013 is 400 students. Increased number of free/reduced student population.

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2 Increased student enrollment Enrollment in 2010 was 358 students. Enrollment in 2013 is 400 students. Increased number of free/reduced student population State Average 43.79% Longfellow 55.68% Increased number of students with behavioral or mental health concerns Increased mobility rate State Average 11.84% Longfellow 20.60% Longfellow Staff Majority of staff members are first and second year teachers or new to SBPS New Special Education teacher was hired in December 2012 Increased behavioral and academic concerns Sense of pride and teamwork among all staff members Weekly grade level collaboration Enrichment Clubs 7 different enrichment clubs will be offered 2 nd semester Off Campus field trips sponsored by HALS coordinator and parents Parent Volunteers in the classroom National Honor Society Students in the classroom to support enrichment opportunities.

3 Quality Teaching and Instructional Programming Follow SBPS Learning Guides Collaboration with BMS and SHS math teachers SHS National Honor Society students volunteering at Longfellow Tutoring: writing, reading and math HALS-enrichment activities, field trips and clubs Monthly meetings with Content Area Specialists Common Assessments K-5 and grade level collaboration Restructuring of Title program Strategies/skill groups formed based on Checks4Learning Inclusion and pullout for math and reading

4 Safety, Efficiency and Effectiveness Standard Response Protocol Monthly fire drills Bi-annual lockdown drills Use of radios during recess and after school Character Education and Bully Prevention Weekly K-5 lessons with Mrs. Massey Social groups Positive Behavioral Support Quarterly Celebrations for students who follow school rules Weekly recognition of model students Strong Relationships and Equitable Schools District and classroom websites Monthly Principal Newsletter Classroom newsletters Infinite Campus calling system PTO-monthly meetings

5 Outstanding Parental Involvement and Parent Teacher Organization Donated $5,000 for playground equipment in spring 2011 Basket Raffle raised $5,000 dollars in spring 2012 Festival of Trees raised $4,700 in December 2012 Silent Auction-Breast Cancer Awareness Tree Women’s Center purchased the tree Helped purchase digital sign in spring of 2012 Every staff members receives Chamber Bucks for Christmas Teacher and Para Appreciation Week Received $2,000 grant from Oregon Trail Community Foundation PTO has partnered with DECA students from SHS Spirit items: Razorbacks/Bearcats MVP Book Club Created by a Longfellow parent, Jen Harre in 2012 Students, families, and staff purchased favorite books Approximately 130 books have been added to our library Revealing of new books at our Morning Meeting Signing party and treats for students who purchased books


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