ECE 2900 The next couple of weeks Project 5: now Project 6: 2 weeks Faculty Biographies 11-21-08 12-12-08.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 2900 The next couple of weeks Project 5: now Project 6: 2 weeks Faculty Biographies 11-21-08 12-12-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 2900 The next couple of weeks Project 5: now Project 6: 2 weeks Faculty Biographies 11-21-08 12-12-08

2 Project 6 An Introduction to Transmitters and PC Control

3 Project 6 Build a simple crystal controlled transmitter and control this transmitter with MATLAB

4 What exactly is current? Flow of electrons Current is defined as the direction as positive charge flow. Current is also the amount of positive charge flowing by a region per second (dQ/dt).

5 V = R I I E = (1 + β DC )I B I C = β DC I B

6 What are the components that we will be using? What resistor value is BROWN – BLACK - ORANGE

7 How do I connect the Transistors?

8 What does this circuit look like?

9 How do I control this transmitter?

10 What kind of MATLAB code can I use? comport=serial('COM1','BaudRate',9600); set(comport,'RequestToSend','off'); get(comport) comport.PinStatus fopen(comport) % send the RTS state, off (+5v) or on (-5v), to the comport set(comport,'RequestToSend',y);

11 Various Tasks to Complete in Project 6 Calculate resistor values, currents and transistor parameters Build the transmitter circuit and verify its operation Insert the control transistor (2N7000) Write MATLAB code to generate a coded identification signal from the transmitter Verify the coded operation of the transmitter

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