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Medical Terminology List 6 Ch. 3. Arteri/o Artery  Artery  Arteriosclerosis  Arteritis.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology List 6 Ch. 3. Arteri/o Artery  Artery  Arteriosclerosis  Arteritis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology List 6 Ch. 3

2 Arteri/o Artery  Artery  Arteriosclerosis  Arteritis

3 Arteri/o  Artery Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart

4 Arteri/o  Arteriosclerosis -sclerosis = Hardening Hardening of the artery

5 Arteri/o  Arteritis Inflammation of the artery

6 Ather/o Plaque (a yellow fatty material)  Atherosclerosis  Atheroma

7 Ather/o  Atheroscleros is Hardening of plaque

8 Ather/o  Atheroma Mass of plaque

9 Axill/o  Armpit (underarm) Axillary  - ary = pertaining to

10 Chem/o Drug or chemical  Chemotherapy Therapy = Treatment Treatment by drugs or chemicals

11 Chron/o Time  Chronic Pertaining to time

12 Col/o Colon (large intestine)  Colon  Coloscopy  Coloscope  Colostomy  Colitis

13 Col/o  Coloscopy

14 Col/o  Coloscope

15 Col/o  Colitis  Chronic ulcerative colitis

16 Cry/o Cold  Cryosurgery  Cryotherapy  Cryophobia

17 Mamm/o Breast  Mammary Pertaining to the breast  Mammogram X-ray record of the breast

18  Mammogram X-ray record of the breast

19 Mast/o Breast  Mastectomy Removal of the breast  Mastitis Inflammation of the breast

20 Men/o Menses (menstruation)  Menorrhea Men/o  Menses -rrhea  Flow or discharge Normal discharge  Menorrhage Men/o  Menses -rrhage  Excessive flow Excessive menses

21 Amenorrhea ?  A/men/o/rrhea -rrhea  Discharge A-  No / not Men/o  Menses No menstrual flow

22 Mening/o Meninges (membranes around the brain and spinal cord)

23 My/o Muscles  Myocardial Pertaining to the muscle of the heart  Myoma Tumor of muscle  Myomectomy Removal of muscle tumor  Myositis Inflammation of the muscle

24 Myel/o Spinal cord  Myelogram X-ray image and record of the spinal cord

25 Necr/o  Death  Necrotic Pertaining to the death of cells  Necrosis Death of cells

26 Phleb/o Vein  Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein

27  Phlebotomist A person who removes blood Vampire!

28 Pneumon/o Lung  Pneumonia Abnormal condition of the lung  Pneumonectomy Removal of a lung  Pneumonitis Inflammation of a lung

29 Pulmon/o Lung  Pulmonary Pertaining to the lung  Healthy lung

30 Radi/o X-ray  Radiology Science of using x-rays to diagnosis disease Study of x-rays  Radiologist Specialist in the use of x-rays (DOCTOR)

31 Septic/o Pertaining to infection  Septic Pertaining to infection  Septicemia Infection in the blood Blood poisoning

32 Tonsill/o Tonsils  Tonsillitis Inflammation of the tonsils

33 Vascul/o Blood vessel  Vascular Pertaining to blood vessels  Vasculitis Inflammation of blood vessels

34 -centesis Surgical procedure to remove fluid  Thoracentesis Surgical puncture of the chest to remove fluid

35  Amniocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the amnion

36  Arthrocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint

37 -ectomy Removal, resection, excision  Tonsillectomy Removal of tonsil  Hysterectomy Removal of uterus  Cholecystectomy Removal of the gallbladder  Nephrectomy Removal of a kidney

38 -lysis Separation, breakdown, destruction  Dialysis Complete separation  Hemolysis Breakdown of blood

39 -plasty Surgical repair or correction  Mammoplasty Surgical repair of the breast  Rhinoplasty Surgical repair of the nose  Arthroplasty Surgical repair of the joint

40 -stomy Opening  Colostomy Opening of the colon to the outside of the body

41 Tracheostomy Opening of the trachea to the outside of the body

42 -therapy -Treatment  Radiotherapy Treatment of disease with x-ray  Chemotherapy Treatment of disease (cancer) with chemicals  Cryotherapy Treatment of disease with cold

43 -tomy Incision, to cut into  Craniotomy Incision of the skull  Phlebotomy Incision of a vein

44 -megaly -enlargement  cardiomegaly  hepatomegaly

45 -megaly  Cardiomegaly

46 - megaly  hepatomegaly

47 -rrhea -Flow, discharge  rhinorrhea

48 -rrhage -bursting forth Hemorrhage

49 -sclerosis -hardening  Arteriosclerosis

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