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Working With Parents as Partners To Improve Student Achievement Taylor County Schools August 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Working With Parents as Partners To Improve Student Achievement Taylor County Schools August 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working With Parents as Partners To Improve Student Achievement Taylor County Schools August 2013

2 Research on Characteristics of High Performing Schools 1. A clear and shared focus 2. High Standards and expectations for all students 3. Effective school leadership 4. High levels of collaboration and communication

3 Research on Characteristics of High Performing Schools 5. Curriculum, instruction, and assessments aligned with state standards. 6. Frequent monitoring of teaching and learning 7. Focused professional development 8. A supportive learning environment 9. High levels of parent and community involvement

4 How do the studies define parent involvement? Joyce L. Epstein Ph.D., Sociology, Johns Hopkins University Joyce Epstein and her colleagues at the Center on Family, School, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University, have developed a useful framework of six types of parent involvement. It shows how parent involvement is frequently broken down and defined. Many researchers use some variation of this framework.

5 The Keys to Successful Partnerships  Parenting Skills  Communicating  Volunteering  Learning at Home  Decision-Making  Collaborating with the Community

6 PARENTING Assist families with parenting and child-rearing skills, understanding child and adolescent development, and setting home conditions that support children as students at each age and grade level. Assist schools in understanding families.

7 COMMUNICATING Communicate with families about school programs and student progress through effective school- to-home and home-to-school communications.

8 VOLUNTEERING Improve recruitment, training, work, and schedules to involve families as volunteers and audiences at the school or in other locations to support students and school programs.

9 LEARNING AT HOME Involve families with their children in learning activities at home, including homework and other curriculum-linked activities and decisions.

10 DECISION MAKING Include families as participants in school decisions, governance, and advocacy through PTA/PTO, school councils, committees, and other parent organizations.

11 COLLABORATING WITH THE COMMUNITY Coordinate resources and services for families, students, and the school with businesses, agencies, and other groups, and provide services to the community.

12 Community School Family Student Three areas of influence on Student Achievement

13 Studies on the Impact of Parent and Community Involvement on Student Achievement Key Finding Programs and interventions that engage families in supporting their children’s learning at home are linked to higher student achievement.

14 Studies on the Impact of Parent and Community Involvement on Student Achievement Key Finding The continuity of family involvement at home appears to have a protective effect on children as they progress through our complex education system. The more families support their children’s learning and educational progress, the more their children tend to do well in school and continue their education.

15 Studies on the Impact of Parent and Community Involvement on Student Achievement Key Finding all Families of all cultural backgrounds, education, and income levels encourage their children, talk with them about school, help them plan for higher education, and keep them focused on learning and homework. In other words, all families can, and often do, have a positive influence on their children’s learning.

16 Studies on the Impact of Parent and Community Involvement on Student Achievement Key Finding Parent and community involvement that is linked to student learning has a greater effect on achievement than more general forms of involvement. To be effective, the form of involvement should be focused on improving achievement and be designed to engage families and students in developing specific knowledge and skills.

17 Studies on Effective Strategies to Connect Schools, Families and Community Key Finding Programs that successfully connect with families and community invite involvement, are welcoming, and address specific parent and community needs.

18 Studies on Effective Strategies to Connect Schools, Families and Community Key Finding Parent involvement programs that are effective in engaging diverse families recognize, respect, and address cultural and class differences.

19 Studies on Effective Strategies to Connect Schools, Families and Community Key Finding Effective programs to engage families and community embrace a philosophy of partnership. The responsibility for children’s educational development is a collaborative enterprise among parents, school staff, and community members.

20 Studies on Parent and Community Organizing Efforts to Improve Schools Key Finding Organized initiatives to build parent and community leadership to improve low-performing schools are developing in low-income urban areas and the rural South. These community organizing efforts use strategies that are aimed at establishing a power base to hold schools and school districts accountable for low student achievement. They have contributed to changes in policy, resources, personnel, school culture, and educational programs.

21 How can we put these findings into action? Recognize that all parents regardless of income, education, or cultural background – are involved in their children’s learning and want their children to do well. Design programs that will support families to guide their children’s learning, from preschool through high school. Develop the capacity of school staff to work with families.

22 How can we put these findings into action? Link efforts to engage families, whether based at school or in the community, to student learning. Build families social and political connections. Focus efforts to engage families and community members on developing trusting and respectful relationships.

23 How can we put these findings into action? Embrace a philosophy of partnership and be willing to share power with families. Build strong connections between schools and community organizations. Include families in all strategies to reduce the achievement gap among, white middle-class students and low-income students.

24 What is your school doing to increase partnering with parents????????

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