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The building blocks of cells Biology Unit 2 – Topic 1.

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1 The building blocks of cells Biology Unit 2 – Topic 1

2 Chromosomal DNA is a giant loop of DNA containing most of the genetic material.Bacteria

3 Plasmid DNA comes in small loops and carries extra genetic information.Bacteria

4 The flagella, if there is one, is on the outside of the bacteria cell. These are long, whip-like structures to move the bacteria along.Bacteria

5 The cell wall does a similar job to a plant cell wall but it is different. It is more flexible and it is not made from cellulose.Bacteria

6 Chloroplasts contain the green pigment called chlorophyll. This absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. Plant cell only

7 The large vacuole is a space in the cytoplasm that is filled with cell sap. This helps to support the plant by keeping the cells rigid. Plant cell only

8 The cell wall is made of cellulose to support the cell and to keep its shape. Plant cell only

9 The cell membrane controls the movements of substances like oxygen, carbon dioxide and glucose into and out of the cell. Plant and animal cell

10 Mitochondria are very small organelles in which respiration occurs. Plant and animal cell

11 The cytoplasm is where many of the chemical reactions that take place. Plant and animal cell

12 The nucleus contains the DNA. It controls all the activities of the cell. Plant and animal cell

13 The best light microscopes can magnify specimens more than 1500 times. Light microscope

14 These microscopes use a beam of electrons to magnify the specimen up to 2 million times. This lets us see very clear and detailed structures inside cells. Electron microscope

15 A gene is a section of a molecule of DNA. It codes for a specific protein.Gene

16 A DNA molecule is two strands coiled together to form a double helix.DNA

17 The two strands are linked (like rungs on a ladder) by a series of base pairs joined together by weak hydrogen bonds.DNA

18 Adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) (so the pointy letters pair together) Cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G) (and the curly letters pair together) DNA Base Pairs

19 The order of bases in a section of DNA decides the order of amino acids in the protein DNA Base Pairs

20 This is where scientists remove a gene from one organism and insert it into the DNA of another organism. Genetic engineering

21 Golden rice plants are normal rice plants with 2 extra genes inserted so that they make beta-carotene in the grains. This is required in humans to make Vitamin A Advantages Genetic engineering

22 The gene for human insulin is inserted into bacterial plasmid DNA. The genetically modified (GM) bacteria can then make insulin. This is used by people with Type 1 diabetes. Advantages Genetic engineering

23 Scientists have added genes to some plants to make them herbicide resistant (weed-killer resistant). This will reduce the amount of crop spraying needed because the farmer can use one large dose of the herbicide rather than lots of smaller doses. Advantages Genetic engineering

24 Most nuclei contain 2 copies of each chromosome. This makes the diploid cells.Mitosis

25 Human diploid cells contain two sets of 23 chromosomes. Body cells (all cells except sperm and egg cells) are diploid.Mitosis

26 Body cells divide to make more body cells or to replace damaged cells by mitosis.Mitosis

27 Mitosis occurs during growth, repair and asexual reproduction.Mitosis

28 Mitosis produces 2 daughter cells, each with identical sets of chromosomes in the nucleus to the parent cell.Mitosis

29 Mitosis results in the formation of two genetically identical diploid body cells.Mitosis

30 At fertilization, haploid gametes combine to form a diploid zygote.Fertilisation

31 A zygote is a fertilized egg cell.Zygote

32 Meiosis is needed to produce haploid gametes.Meiosis

33 Meiosis makes four haploid daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes. This results in genetically different haploid gametes.Meiosis

34 Me1osis for 1 set of chromosomes. Mi2osis for 2 sets of chromosomes. Mitosis or Meiosis

35 Each chromosome in a pair contains the same genes but may have different versions of those genes called alleles.Alleles

36 Clones are examples of asexual reproduction that are genetically identical copies of each other.Clones

37 Stem cells in the embryo can differentiate into all other types of cells, but that cells lose this ability as the animal matures. Stem cells

38 Proteins are made from amino acids.Proteins

39 Different proteins have different numbers of amino acids arranged in different orders. This makes different shaped molecules that have different functions or jobs.Proteins

40 Enzymes are proteins.Proteins

41 Gene mutations change the DNA base sequence and so can change the protein. Gene mutations

42 Gene mutations can harmful, have no effect or be beneficial to the organism. Eg. Some mutations in bacteria make them resistant to antibiotics. Gene mutations

43 Enzymes are Biological catalysts.Enzymes

44 Enzymes catalyse chemical reactions occurring inside and outside living cells.Enzymes

45 Enzymes catalyse: DNA replication Protein synthesis DigestionEnzymes

46 The molecules that enzymes work on are called substrate molecules.Enzymes

47 Enzymes are very specific and will only work with a particular substrate or a small group of substances.Enzymes

48 Enzymes are affected by: Temperature Substrate concentration pHEnzymes

49 Changing the pH or temperature will change the shape of the active site in the enzyme. Too much change may break the chemical bonds in an enzyme.Enzymes

50 Too many changes in the enzyme will destroy the active site so the enzyme will not work. The enzyme has been denatured.Denatured

51 The model of how enzymes work is called the Lock and key hypothesis.Enzymes

52 Organisms and energy Biology Unit 2 – Topic 2

53 Respiration is a process used by all living organisms that releases the energy in organic molecules Respiration

54 Glucose and oxygen diffuses from capillaries into respiring cells. Respiration

55 Carbon dioxide diffuses from respiring cells into capillaries. Respiration

56 Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion

57 Aerobic respiration uses Oxygen to release energy from glucose. Aerobic respiration

58 Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide +water The energy from the glucose is released for use in the cell. Aerobic respiration

59 Exercise can cause a change in heart and breathing rates. Exercise

60 During exercise the muscles use up oxygen and glucose quickly, so the breathing rate increases to get more oxygen and the heart beats faster to pump more blood with more oxygen and glucose to these cells. Exercise

61 The cardiac output is the volume of blood circulated by the heart in a given time. Amount of blood

62 Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate Amount of blood

63 Cardiac output Stroke volume Heart rate

64 Sometimes, when we carry out vigorous exercise we cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscle cells so we start to respire anaerobically. Anaerobic respiration

65 Anaerobic respiration breaks down glucose and releases energy without any oxygen. Anaerobic respiration

66 Glucose lactic acid The energy from the glucose is released for use in the cell. Anaerobic Respiration

67 Anaerobic respiration releases less energy than aerobic respiration.

68 Lactic acid produced by anaerobic respiration exercise may cause muscle cramps. Lactic acid

69 After exercise increased oxygen is required to break down the Lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water. This need for extra oxygen after exercise is called Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. (EPOC) Lactic acid

70 A leaf is adapted for photosynthesis. Large surface area Chlorophyll in chloroplasts to absorb light Stomata for gas exchange (carbon dioxide, oxygen and water) Photosynthesis

71 Plants absorb light energy to make glucose. Carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen Photosynthesis

72 For photosynthesis to happen there must be enough carbon dioxide, water, a suitable temperature and light to give the energy for the reactions. The one that is in the shortest supply is called the limiting factor. Rate of photosynthesis

73 Roots do more than just anchor a plant to the ground. They take up water and dissolved nitrate and other mineral ions from the soil. Water transport

74 Root hair cells have long tin extensions that reach into the nearby soil. This gives them a bigger surface area for the water and mineral ions to enter. Root hair cells

75 Water enters the root hair cells by osmosis. Here, water moves across a partially permeable membrane. Water transport

76 Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of higher concentration of water to an area of lower concentration of water through a partially permeable membrane. Osmosis

77 This is the evaporation of water vapour from the surface of a plant. Transpiration

78 The loss of water from a leaf pulls water and dissolved mineral salts up through the xylem from the roots. This process is called transpiration. Transpiration

79 Roots can absorb nitrates and other mineral ions dissolved in soil water even if the concentration is higher in the plant than in the soil water. Absorbing particles against a concentration gradient is called active transport. The energy for this comes from repiration. Active transport

80 Xylem vessels transport water and dissolved mineral salts up a plant. Water Xylem W X Xylem vessels

81 The glucose made in the leaves by photosynthesis is converted to sucrose and carried to other parts of the plant by the phloem tissue. Phloem vessels

82 A pooter is used to suck small invertebrates into a tube. Sampling techniques

83 A sweep net is used to drag through long grass to catch any organisms. Similarly, a pond net could be used for aquatic habitats. Sampling techniques

84 A pitfall trap is a jar which small animals fall into and are trapped. Sampling techniques

85 A quadrat is a square frame placed at random place on the ground and the plants in that area counted. Sampling techniques

86 Environmental factors which could be measured include: Temperature Light intensity pH Sampling techniques

87 Common systems B2 – Topic 3

88 Fossils are the preserved traces or remains of organisms that lived thousands or millions of years ago.Fossils

89 This is the collection of fossils identified from different periods of time that can be interpreted to form a hypothesis about the evolution of life on Earth. Fossil record

90 There are gaps because: 1) fossils do not always form. 2) soft tissue decays 3) many fossils are yet to be found. Gaps in the Fossil record

91 When organisms grow they get bigger. The easiest way to observe growth is to measure an increase in size, length or mass.Growth

92 These charts or graphs are used to compare a certain characteristic (e.g. mass) against the total population. Percentile charts

93 Growth in an organism involves two processes. 1)Cell division where one cell divides to form two identical cells. 2)The cell gets longer by elongation. Plant growth

94 Plants grow all the time. As the plant stem or root continues to grow the older meristem cells start to become specialised – they differentiate. Plant development

95 Animals stop growing when they become adults. In an animal, cells that can differentiate to form a number of different types of specialised cells are called stem cells. Animal development

96 Red blood cells White blood cells Plasma Platelets Parts of the blood

97 A red blood cell has the shape of a biconcave disc. This increases the surface area for diffusion. Red blood cells contain the red pigment haemoglobin. Red blood cells have no nucleus. Parts of the blood

98 White blood cells are part of the body’s defences against disease. Some white blood cells make antibodies. Other white blood cells surround and destroy any foreign cells like bacteria that get into the body. White blood cells have a nucleus. Parts of the blood

99 Plasma is a yellow liquid. It transports dissolved substances, such as carbon dioxide, food substances and hormones. Parts of the blood

100 Platelets are tiny fragments of cells (and so do not have a nucleus). They are important in making your blood clot if you cut or damage your blood vessels. The clot dries out and forms a scab which stops micro- organisms like bacteria getting into the body. Parts of the blood

101 A group of the same specialised cells form a tissue. e.g. muscle tissue is made from muscle cells. Cells, tissues, organs and systems

102 An organ contains several different tissues working together to carry out a particular job. The heart is an organ that pumps blood to the lungs and around the body. Cells, tissues, organs and systems

103 Groups of organs that work together are called organ systems. e.g. the heart and blood vessels make an organ system called the circulatory system. Cells, tissues, organs and systems

104 Groups of organs that work together are called organ systems. e.g. the heart and blood vessels make an organ system called the circulatory system. Cells, tissues, organs and systems

105 The heart is an organ that pumps blood around the body. There are 4 major blood vessels associated with the heart. The heart

106 The pulmonary artery takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get oxygen. The pulmonary vein takes oxygenated blood back from the lungs to the heart. The heart

107 The aorta carries oxygenated blood around the body. The vena cava carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart where it is pumped back to the lungs. The heart

108 The left atrium and ventricle pump oxygenated blood. The heart

109 The right atrium and ventricle pump deoxygenated blood. The heart

110 Veins and the heart have valves to prevent backflow – to stop the blood going the wrong way. The heart

111 The muscle wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle because it has to pump blood all around the body rather than just to the lungs. The heart


113 Arteries transport blood away from the heart. Arteries have strong, thick walls to withstand the blood at high pressure.

114 The heart Veins transport blood to the heart. Veins are wide because the blood flows relatively slowly under low pressure.

115 The heart Capillaries exchange materials with tissues by diffusion so they have very thin walls.

116 The digestive system Food is broken down in the organ system called the digestive system.

117 The digestive system In the mouth, teeth break up the food into small pieces. This increases the surface area for digestive enzymes to work on – like amylase.

118 The digestive system The oesophagus is a muscular tube between the mouth and stomach. Muscles contract in waves to push the food down it – this is called peristalsis.

119 The digestive system The stomach is a bag that makes Hydrochloric acid and some enzymes like pepsin to break down proteins. It churns the food up.

120 The digestive system The small intestine is a long tube where most of the large insoluble food molecules are broken down into smaller soluble molecules. There are lots of enzymes. Food is again moved by muscles in peristalsis.

121 The digestive system The surface area of the small intestine is greatly increases by having lots of finger like projections called villi which contain capillaries.

122 The digestive system Water diffuses back into the blood in the large intestine leaving the waste material called faeces behind.

123 The digestive system The pancreas make digestive enzymes and releases them into the first part of the small intestine.

124 The digestive system Digested food absorbed by the small intestine is taken in the blood plasma to the liver. Here some of the molecules are broken down even more. Some are built up into larger molecules. The liver also makes bile which helps in the digestion of fats.

125 The digestive system – Higher paper The gall bladder is a small organ that stores the bile made by the liver. It releases the bile into the small intestine when it is needed.

126 The digestive system

127 Enzymes Carbohydrases are digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates into sugars. Amylase breaks down starch into sugar.

128 Enzymes Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids. Pepsin is an enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach.

129 Enzymes Lipases are enzymes that break down fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol.

130 Bile – Higher paper Bile breaks down large globules of fat and oil into tiny droplets forming an emulsion. The smaller droplets have a larger surface area which lets the lipase enzymes break down the fat molecules quicker. Bile is also slightly alkaline and so will neutralise the Hydrochloric acid from the stomach.

131 Probiotics Probiotics contain live bacteria which maybe helpful to the digestive system. These bacteria are usually Lactobacillus and Bifidibacteria. They are found in yoghurts or yoghurt drinks.

132 Prebiotics Prebiotics are substances that the body can’t digest. They act as food for the probiotic bacteria. Tomatoes, bananas, onions and asparagus all contain oligosaccharides, a common form of prebiotic.

133 Plant stanol esters Plant stanol esters are oily substances found in plants. These can stop the small intestine absorbing cholesterol so lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. Plant stanols are now used in many yoghurt, drinks and spreads.

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