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Presentation on theme: "Fleas Are One Itchy Problem, but Slug-A-Bug Can Help PUT A FLEA INFESTATION ON THE FLEE WITH SLUG-A-BUGFLEA INFESTATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Even if you don't have a dog or cat in your house, you could still have a flea control problem. Successful control involves the home, the pets if present, and the yard.flea control THE FLEA FACTOR There are more than 2,000 different species of fleas in the world, but to most people, they mean one thing - intense itching and irritation.

3 It can be tough to spot a flea because most are just 1/8 inch long. There are three main types of fleas - dog fleas, cat fleas, and sticktight fleas. But the cat flea is, by far, the most common flea in households throughout the United States. The cat flea is reddish brown, and wingless. There bodies are laterally compressed. They also have mouth parts able to pierce and suck blood from a host. IDENTIFYING FLEAS

4 THEY’RE SERIOUSLY HUNGRY There are many different problems with fleas, but the biggest one is that they bite anything they can find. They won't make a distinction between your dog and your foot, they'll just jump on and start biting. Flea bites are small round spots with a tiny red halo around it. They may cause itching and individuals who have sensitive skin or small children can begin to suffer allergic dermatitis, which causes considerably more itching as well as hair loss, and even secondary infections.

5 Another increasingly common flea problem is that they can transmit diseases. They can serve as a host to tapeworms, transmitting them not only to your family pets, but to your children as well. They can also transmit a murinelike typhus disease according to new research. The symptoms include headaches, chills, fever, vomiting, and rash.flea problem THE CAUSE OF ILLNESSES

6  Most adult cat fleas will remain on the host itself. Fresh blood is required to produce eggs, and females have the ability to lay 20-50 eggs per day. The eggs take just two days to hatch in some cases. The eggs are white in color and oval shaped. They are 1/32 inch long, and very smooth.  Eggs then hatch into flea larvae, and are about 3/16 inch long. They are fairly hairy and may look like little worms. They have a large head, but do not have eyes or legs. In order to grow into adults, they have to be in an area where 75% relative humidity occurs.  They eat and crawl around for about 8 days, then build themselves a cocoon, where they grow into adults. The warmer it is, the more quickly the larvae develop. In a normal room temperature home, the cycle can take eighteen days to occur.  Adult fleas live about thirty days on the host. THE LIFECYCLE OF A FLEA

7  Adult fleas spend most of their time on a pet, if there is one in the home.  Adult fleas lay their eggs on your pet, but those eggs are quick to fall off. They can hide anywhere including the cushions, carpet, or even your bed. Any place your pet spends time, there are likely to be flea eggs.  After they hatch, the larvae use the area around them as protection. They feed on adult flea feces, which can accumulate throughout your house.  Before they can become adults, the larvae have to transform into pupae within a cocoon. The cocoon is resistant to insecticides. A FEW THINGS TO CONSIDER

8 In most cases, you'll need to approach flea treatments from a three step perspective:flea treatments  Your Home  Your Pet  Your Yard TREATING YOUR HOME FOR FLEAS

9  Focus most of your treatments on areas that your pets use. You will find most of the eggs & larvae here.  Begin by vacuuming your whole house. Make sure you empty the bag or canister immediately and wash it in hot soapy water, as fleas & flea eggs could be hiding inside. And be sure to get the vacuum bag or garbage out of the house quickly as vacuuming can cause the eggs to hatch.  Wash your pet's bedding and any throw rugs.  Contact a professional pest control company to ensure the problem is taken care of, and try to keep your pets from areas that are harder to treat like your child's play room.  You can expect to see fleas for up to two weeks after flea treatment.flea treatment TREATING YOUR HOME

10 While you're treating your home, you should also treat your pet. Make to use a flea shampoo as well as an ongoing treatment regimen. There are many great flea control products on the market that your vet can tell you about to help keep fleas off your pet.flea control TREATING YOUR PET

11 While most flea control problems can be controlled just by treating your pet and your home, in some cases, it's necessary to treat the yard too. Want a quick way to figure out if your yard needs treatment? Put on a pair of white socks, pulled up to your knees. Walk around your yard for a few minutes. If you have fleas, you'll be able to see them quickly.flea control TREATING YOUR YARD

12 There are many kinds of treatment options today, but to save money, lots of people opt for do-it-yourself treatments. While these may have a fairly temporary effect, they cannot truly eliminate the problem the same way professional pest control company help can.pest control company DO IT YOURSELF TREATMENTS

13 The largest independently owned pest control company in Brevard County, we offer cutting edge solutions to help you deal with your flea problem for good.pest control company in Brevard County SCHEDULE A FREE EVALUATION

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