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30 th June 2014 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together.

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Presentation on theme: "30 th June 2014 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 th June 2014 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together

2 ‘Proud’ – Heather Small (2000) ‘Proud’ – Heather Small (2000) What have you done today to make you feel proud? What have you done today to make you feel proud?

3 Welcome to our ‘Values’ assembly A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour



6 ‘Values’ Nomination Nominee: ______________________ Nominated By:__________________ What value has the person shown and how? Values Nomination WINNER!

7 How did exploring the value of SELF CONTROL guide your thinking and behaviour?

8 Were you able to recognise your CHIMP? Were you able to use the HUMAN part of your brain more often? If you did, did this help you?

9 PRIDE In JULY we will be exploring the value of “A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.”

10 PRIDE pleasure fulfilment joy delight satisfaction happiness

11 PRIDE Who Who are you proud of? What What are you proud of? How do you feel How do you feel when you know other people are proud of you? What have you done (today – or any day) to make yourself proud?

12 learning, growing and succeeding together “I am SO PROUD of ALL of you – for learning, growing and succeeding together in so many ways!”

13 PRIDE Who Who are you proud of? What What are you proud of? How do you feel How do you feel when you know other people are proud of you? What have you done (today – or any day) to make yourself proud?

14 whole school community “I am so proud of our whole school community (children, staff, parents, governors) for creating a wonderful Values Based School

15 PRIDE Who Who are you proud of? What What are you proud of? How do you feel How do you feel when you know other people are proud of you? What have you done (today – or any day) to make yourself proud?

16 “I am personally very proud to have raised lots of money for our school this year. I have been delighted and felt really happy to be given lots of support and be thanked by many people. Some people even said I had inspired them to set a goal for themselves! This makes me feel incredibly proud!”

17 PRIDE Who Who are you proud of? What What are you proud of? How do you feel How do you feel when you know other people are proud of you? What have you done (today – or any day) to make yourself proud?

18 “I am proud of myself for training hard (even when I found it difficult for lots of reasons) and for thinking about self-belief so that I could achieve the goal that I had set for myself!

19 Your turn… “What have you done this year to make you feel proud?”

20 A few reminders… Just in the last 2 weeks Sports Days Art Project Frontier Centre

21 Being proud … of our sporting efforts. Everyone who took part tried their best!

22 Being proud … of our creativity and the way we all worked together in our amazing Art project!

23 Being proud … of everyone who was brave enough to go out of their comfort zone! Well done everyone who went to the Frontier Centre and learned so much - together!

24 thisyear We are so lucky to have so many fantastic opportunities … think about what you and your friends have done this year to make yourselves proud? Please also think about the people who have made these opportunities happen for you…they should be very proud of themselves!

25 Perhaps you, your class or your year group would like to make a ‘PROUD’ photo collage…


27 What have you really enjoyed this year? What have you felt really successful at? Have you overcome any challenges or difficulties? Have you achieved something you didn’t think you could do? Have you reached a personal goal? How have you ‘grown’ this year? What values have helped you most? Have you inspired anyone else?

28 A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour How does PRIDE do this?

29 A quiet moment of prayer or reflection... PRIDE

30 As we reflect, think about how PRIDE makes the world a better place to be.

31 Here in our school Let us be peaceful at all times. Let our rooms be full of happiness and respect for each other. Let love be in our hearts With kindness and compassion for all. Let us remember In learning together, We grow together And succeed together. A prayer for all of us

32 good Is PRIDE always a good thing? Have you heard the phrase, “Pride comes before a fall?” What does that mean? One very important question to consider…

33 Have you heard the phrase, “As proud as a peacock?” What does that mean?

34 Do you know any stories or fables which show the good and/or bad side of PRIDE?





39 ‘Proud’ - JLS (2012) ‘Proud’ - JLS (2012)

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