9.2: The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes 10.7.1 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use of totalitarian means.

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1 9.2: The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes 10.7.1 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag).

2 The Rise of Dictators  By 1939 only two countries were democratic (France and Great Britain)  Italy, Germany, the Soviet Union and many others adopted dictatorial regime.  Fascism was a new kind of dictatorship, the modern totalitarian state.  Totalitarian state is a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual and cultural lives of its citizens.

3  Totalitarian states wanted complete obedience – they achieved this goal through mass propaganda and high speed modern communication – newspapers, radio and film.  Totalitarian governments were ruled by a single party and a single leader.  They rejected limited government and individual rights.  Instead, it was the state above the individual.

4 Fascism in Italy  Benito Mussolini established the first European Fascist movement in Italy.  Fascism glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing a strong central government led by a dictatorial regime.  People are controlled by the government and all opposition is suppressed.

5  Rise of Fascism  Fascism arose from the severe economic problems after WWI.  The middle class began to fear a communist take over and Mussolini emerged with his blackshirts to save the day.  The middle class feared socialism, communism and disorder - so Fascism seemed more attractive.  Mussolini was also aware that the Italian people were angry over the peace settlements and demanded more land for Italy

6  Mussolini used nationalism to gain power – he threatened to march on Rome if his party was not given power.  Mussolini was made prime minister.  He used his power to create a fascist dictatorship  He passed laws that would ban any critic of the government, Catholic Church, or the monarchy.

7  Mussolini also gave the police unrestricted power to arrest anyone for any reason – OVRA, secret police.  The Fascist also worked through youth groups to promote their ideas.  Mussolini never achieved the kind of control that Hitler did in Germany  He also recognized the sovereignty of the Vatican as its own country.

8 New Era in the Soviet Union  During the Civil War, Russia practiced war communism – the government had control of the economy  Once the war was over, the peasants wanted more and begin to sabotage the communist.  Lenin’s New Economic Policy  NEP – peasants were allowed to sell their produce in the open market. Smaller industries could be privately owned  Heavy industry, banking and mining remained in the hands of the government.

9  In 1922 Lenin and the Communists formally formed the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) or just Soviet Union.  The NEP saved the Soviet Union, but it wasn’t intended to be a long term solution.  The Rise of Stalin  The Politiburo – the committee that made Soviet policy was divided after Lenin died.  One group, led by Leon Trotsky, wanted to end the NEP and launch Russia on a path of rapid industrialization on the backs of the peasants

10  Trotsky also wanted to expand communism around the world.  The other group, led by Joseph Stalin, believed that rapid industrialization was too radical and it would hurt the peasants.  They wanted to focus on building a socialist state at home and continue the NEP  Stalin used his position as secretary general, to gain complete control over the communist party.

11  Stalin was able to eliminate anyone that stood in his way.  Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party, he fled to Mexico, and was later killed.  Five Year Plans  Stalin’s Five Year Plan replaced the NEP in order to transform the Soviet Union from an agricultural state to an industrial state.

12  The First Five-Year Plan emphasized the production of armaments and heavy goods – machines that are made to produce other goods.  The social and political cost of industrialization were enormous  The living conditions for the poor in the cities were pitiful.  To keep the workers content, the government propaganda exclaimed that sacrifice was needed to create a socialist state.

13  With rapid industrialization also came collectivization – a system in which private farms came under the control of the state.  Peasants resisted by killing their livestock and hoarding crops – Stalin just increased their efforts – roughly 26 million farms were collectivized into 250,000 units.  Cost of Stalin’s programs  10 million peasants died of famine between 1932-1933.

14  Stalin was also able to remove all of his opponents.  An estimated 8 million Russians were arrested, millions were sent to forced labor camps in Siberia. Others were executed  He also overturned much of the legislation that was passed in the 1920s.  He made divorce more difficult – the family was a collective, parents were to teach their kids the value of hard work and duty.

15 Authoritarian States in the West  Eastern Europe  Parliamentary systems failed in eastern Europe  Most of these countries had no experience with democracy  Their population were also largely rural and uneducated TotalitarianAuthoritarian 1.Create a new kind of mass society 1.Preserving the existing social order

16  Large landowners still dominated the social and political systems  Eastern European states were made up of multiple ethnic groups who were at odds with each other and wanted their own nations.  Powerful landowners, the church, and middle class feared land reform, communism, and ethnic conflict – that’s why they supported Authoritarian governments.

17  Spain  Francisco Franco led a revolt against the democratic government in 1936 – civil war began.  Foreign intervention complicated the war.  The Soviet Union aided with 40,000 men along with trucks, planes, tanks, and military advisors.  The Fascist aided Franco with arms, money and men.

18  Hitler used the civil war to test out his new weapons – Guernica.  Franco captured Madrid and established a dictatorship favoring large landowners, business people, and the clergy.  Because it favored traditional groups and it did not try to control every aspect of people’s lives – authoritarian.

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