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BULLSEYE ! Hitting your target market. #UPAugusta2016.

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2 BULLSEYE ! Hitting your target market. #UPAugusta2016


4 LET’S START BY DEFINING YOUR TARGET “My business is [SOLVING PROBLEM XYZ] for [THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE].” If you can’t complete that sentence your target is too broad. The opposite holds true as well. If you’re selling a solution to only a handful of people who care about it, then your target is probably too narrow. #UPAugusta2016

5 DEMOGRAPHIC S Who are your customers? #UPAugusta2016 Age Location Gender Income Education Occupation Ethnicity Marital Status Children

6 PSYCHOGRAPHIC S Why are they customers? #UPAugusta2016 Personality Attitudes Values Interests Hobbies Lifestyle Behavior Motivations

7 BUYER PERSONAS Zeroing in on the target. #UPAugusta2016 Narrowing the target doesn’t exclude anyone. Focus on the people who will make the most impact. All of the rings on a target have value.

8 DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND Occupation Career Path Marital Status Children Storyline DEMOGRAPHICS Age Location Gender Income Education Ethnicity IDENTIFIERS Demeanor Communication Style Personality #UPAugusta2016

9 NEEDS/PAINS GOALS Primary Secondary CHALLENGES Primary Secondary Common Objections QUOTES What are they saying about your company? #UPAugusta2016

10 SOLUTION WHAT CAN WE DO? To help achieve goals? To overcome obstacles? MESSAGING Describe your solution to your buyer persona? ELEVATOR PITCH Sell your solution to your buyer persona! #UPAugusta2016


12 #UPAugusta2016 Stage One AWARENESS I’d love to buy a house, but on my police officer salary I’m not sure I can ever get ahead enough to save 20% for a down payment. Buyer has realized and expressed awareness of a potential opportunity or obstacle.

13 #UPAugusta2016 Awareness WHAT HAPPENS? CREATE AWARENESS How do I know if I’m interested if I don’t even know you exist? FIND SOLUTIONS Focus on your buyer’s pain points, not your product or brand. Focus on the big picture. EDUCATE Help them understand what you do and how you can help them. Have resources available.

14 #UPAugusta2016 HELPFUL TIP

15 #UPAugusta2016

16 Stage Two CONSIDERATION I’d like to at least talk to a mortgage advisor and see what my options are. Buyer has clearly defined and named their opportunity or obstacle.

17 #UPAugusta2016 Consideratio n WHAT HAPPENS? RESEARCH Buyer begins narrowing down choices based on their criteria. Engage them. COMPARE Show your buyer what it’s like to work with you. Let them in on the experience. JUSTIFY Provide rationale as to why your product or service is worth their money.

18 #UPAugusta2016


20 Stage Three DECISION VBS will help me find a low-down payment loan options and give me $500 off closing costs which will help me keep more cash on hand for other expenses. Buyer has defined their solution, strategy or approach to addressing the opportunity or obstacle.

21 #UPAugusta2016 Decision WHAT HAPPENS? PURCHASE Look for ways to add value to their decision. VALIDATE Brag about your product, use testimonials, show the buyer this is the right choice. EVANGELIZE Stay in touch so they spread the word about your product, write reviews, etc.

22 BULLSEYE ! You’ve found your target market. #UPAugusta2016

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