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WEEK 12 AMERICAN STUDIES 8 DECEMBER 2014. The American Revolution and the Vietnam Revolution. Compare & contrast.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 12 AMERICAN STUDIES 8 DECEMBER 2014. The American Revolution and the Vietnam Revolution. Compare & contrast."— Presentation transcript:


2 The American Revolution and the Vietnam Revolution. Compare & contrast

3 The Sommersett Case in London caused American slave owners to fear the British Empire would outlaw slavery. Why would rich, prosperous Americans risk everything by going to war against the British Empire?


5 2 nd Continental Congress Chosen by vote of white, property-owning males in each state Delegates were mostly rich, educated lawyers Met in Philadelphia, Pa. after battle of Lexington & Concord, May 1775 Each state had 1 vote Had to decide if they should unite behind Massachusetts and separate from Britain or pursue peaceful protests

6 John Dickinson —delegate from Pennsylvania. Lawyer, trained in England Wealthy farmer Slave-owner who freed his slaves In favor of boycotts and petitioning for rights Opposed war with Britain, offered “olive branch” petition Refused to sign Declaration

7 Benjamin Franklin Delegate from Pennsylvania Scientist, inventor, publisher, self-made millionaire Had lived in England, was friends with British leaders Favored independence, brought delegates together Helped Jefferson write Declaration Convinced France to join war.

8 Thomas Jefferson Delegate from Virginia Plantation owner, architect, lawyer Had land claims west of Appalachians Main author of The Declaration of Independence

9 Col. George Washington Delegate from Virginia Favored war for independence Plantation owner Had land claims west of Appalachians Chosen to lead American armed forces Raised 1000 troops at his own expense Went to Boston, assumed command

10 Richard Henry Lee  Delegate from Virginia  Introduced motion to declare independence Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. June 7, 1776

11 Jefferson’s rough draft of the Declaration of Independence.


13 The Declaration of Independence July 1776, in Congress Not the first one—90 declarations had already been passed by local governments First to speak for all 13 states at once Stated reasons for independence—both political and philosophical

14 Structure of the Declaration Introduction—explanation to the world Preamble—our philosophy of government Indictment—List of grievances Denunciation—break with British people Conclusion—Free & independent states Signatures

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