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Trade unions What’s an effective trade union?. Recruiment & Organising – where are you? ● Why do people join trade unions and why not? (AS 1) ● The image.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade unions What’s an effective trade union?. Recruiment & Organising – where are you? ● Why do people join trade unions and why not? (AS 1) ● The image."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade unions What’s an effective trade union?

2 Recruiment & Organising – where are you? ● Why do people join trade unions and why not? (AS 1) ● The image of trade unions (AS2) ● Organising and recruitment responsibilities in the trade union (AS5) yourname © etui (year) titleofthepresentation 2

3 Recruitment & Organising – Do you need a change? ● Servicing unions: potential members make a cost – benefit assessment yourname © etui (year) titleofthepresentation 3

4 A servicing example: jobb & liv (Sweden, Dk) Jean-Claude Le Douaron© etui (year) Trade unions – servicing or organising? 4 What’s a trade union company? We have choosen to convert the traditional trade union ideology into a new dress with a business concept and a modern organisation. Hereby we have created the new definition trade union company….

5 Organising Jean-Claude Le Douaron ETUI5 Turning back the tide (TUC) Turning back the tide (TUC) /

6 Organising trade unions ● Put all efforts and resources on organising activities ● Recruit ”professional” organisers? ● Use the largest part of the budget and resources on recruitment campaigns? yourname © etui (year) titleofthepresentation 6

7 Again: Servicing VS Organising ServicingOrganising 7 We do it for you! We do it together AS2

8 Trade Unions need ● Members ● Democracy ● Accountability ● Transparency 8 The statutes

9 ● Name, location ● Scope and objectives, values and tasks ● Membership; criteria, rights, privileges, influence, duties and fees ● Institutions of governance ● National, regional and local activities ● Negotiations ● Benefits at industrial disputes ● Auditing ● Amendment of statutes 9

10 A trade union needs to be visible ● At organised workplaces!!!! ● Local reps: shop stewards (what kind of training do they get…? ● Unorganised workplaces? ● Who is in charge of recruitment activities? ● What assistance, what tools cand they use? (Framework directive on information & consultation, EWC?.... OECD guidelines????) 10

11 How to address potential members ● Remember 1: Most of the employees who are not members of TUs have never been asked to join. (Waddington) ● Remember 2: People who have left a trade union because they were dissatisfied will be very hard to convince to join again, if not impossible.. 11

12 Being in touch with the members ● Check AS 2 again: where would you like to be and how can it be achieved? ● How do you identify the concerns and the problems of the workforce? ● Are the members involved in formulating the demands and in the discussions about strategic issues. ○ At local workplace level ○ At regional level ○ At national trade union level.. 12

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